☆ elodie ☆

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• Whether her friendship with Enid was genuine or not, she's quite the manipulative girl, and she's a very good liar. These may not seem like good traits to have, but Elodie's ability to get people to listen to her is unbeatable and undeniably impressive.

• She really does adore her fans, but not as much as they adore her. She'd gladly take a quick picture with a fan or sign something of their's. As long as it's not interfering with her everyday life. Then she'll tell you to fuck off.

• Hearing her swear can actually be quite funny and out of character. She doesn't swear around people that often, but when she does, her accent makes it worth hearing.

• Though many people fangirl over her, she's prone to squealing when she sees one of her favorite heroes, whether it's in real life or just a photo of them online.

• How she keeps herself fit is such a secret that even Elodie herself doesn't know; she isn't on a diet, she doesn't work out, and she sure does enjoy her sweets.

• Her hair smells really good. She's no stranger to people telling her that, either; though she admits it can be weird depending on who it's coming from.

• She enjoys reading. Her favorite pastime is to lay in her ultra comfy bed with a good novel and read until her eyes are accustomed to the words.

• She wants nothing but the best for herself; though many people would call her selfish for this, she always retaliates with, "self love isn't selfish, it's important." Okay, maybe you win, Elodie-

• She doesn't wear much makeup. She's naturally pretty. With the exception of the mascara she wears sometimes.

• Cute outfits are totally her thing. Half of her day is drained up just by modeling outfits in the mirror and taking pictures of them. Even she's surprised at how much time she wastes doing this.

• Favorite food: croissants (drizzled with chocolate), perfectly decorated cupcakes, pretzels dipped in chocolate and sprinkles, hot chocolate with marshmallows, hot tea, and her homemade chocolate chip cookies.

• Favorite colors: pink, pink, pink, P I N K

• Ideal weekend: As aforementioned, she'd love to spend a whole Sunday in her bed with a really long book; but, come on, she has to get up and do her hair at least half-assedly, because, come on, this is Elodie we're talking about.
She'll also get her butler to make her some tea, and somehow, she makes a cup last all day. She'll also have some of her favorite foods sitting on her lap, and she'll take bites of them throughout the day. Once she finishes every page of her book, she checks her social media to like comments from fans, and hell, maybe reply to some of them. After that, she'll finish her snacks and organize her room. Though the day will be mostly over after all this, she'll take a quick check at the time and bury herself in blankets. And she can't forget the pillow made of pure silk.

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