How Would You feel?

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When you use a product, do you ever think about where its come from and what paths it's taken to get into your hands? Do you ever ask your self whether an animal has been harmed, or even worse, so that your shampoo can make your hair shiny, or to test how red your red lipstick is; I know I didn't a while ago.

That lovely foundation that makes your complexion look amazing could have been tested on a soft small rabbit in a lab. Try being that rabbit, stuck in a small cage surrounded by other animal all whining. Big hands enter your cage and grab you, without a care in the world about how you feel, picking you up carelessly and dumping you on a metal table and putting your head through a hold and closing it tight so you couldn't move or fidget away.

Picture your snowy white pet rabbit, its eyes are bright, fur clean, thick and fluffy. Now, picture another rabbit, but this one is very different, its balding fur; thin and coarse with red trailing down its little leg, it isn't a nice thought is it?

Dr. Skelling, a researcher on the affects of testing, has said in his most recent interview that over 70% of all the products we use in the UK are tested on animals and support animal cruelty. By letting this tragic thing happen under our noses on our products and also selling them into China where it is mandatory to test any incoming cosmetics on animals, is keeping these dodgy, brutal businesses running and selling these products that are either made out of animals or have been tested on animals.

Do you want to be the anchor keeping these companies alive and selling their inhuman products ? I didn't, so I stopped. Why can't you?

(check out my Animal Cruelty Products to see some of the products i now use and some of the products i had to throw away)

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