"Be Faithful"

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Happy is the person who remains faithful under trials, because when he succeeds in passing such a test, he will receive as his reward the life which God has promised to  those who love Him..
James 1:12 (GNT)

Gaano man kabigat yung pinagdaanan natin sa buhay na to.. Maging magalak, wag tayong malungkot dahil pagdadaanan lang natin yan at kapag nadaanan natin ng may galak mas mararamdaman natn kung gaano kabuti ang Diyos sa buhay natin...
Make this day to challenge yourself to be happy in all trials in life..

Happy morning.
God bless u all.


HOPE and a FUTURE-Tagalog DevotionalTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon