The Big Surprise

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Ok, it's been a while since I posted but I'm sorry.  I will try to update faster next time.  Thank you to all who have read this story and like it.  Please post comments and vote?

Here it is.  Enjoy!


We met the crew at the US Cellular Center.  There were about 10 guys plus Ryan, the contest sponsor.  They all looked around and talked about size, seat count, lights, and sound.  To Makenzie and I it all sounded like a foreign language. 

One of the crew members came over to talk to us.  "My name is Joe.  I am the tour director.  This venue is perfect.  Now, we have to talk about the date and time.  We need to have about a week to be able to get to the second venue, so the absolute latest we can have it it on June 21st.  The earliest we can have it is June 13th, because the boys have to rehearse more and get the procedure down.  Your thoughts?"  the man, Joe, explained to us.

"Well, we talked about it i case this came up, and we like the 21st because it is right in the middle of our birthdays.  Is that alright?" Makenzie asked. 

"That works fin with us.  We will be here on the 18th to get everything set up.  We will set it up with the hall so you don't have to worry about that.  Now, i think Ryan would like to speak to you.  The crew and I will see you then," Joe said.

"Hello ladies, I am Ryan.  I spoke to Allie on the phone.  Which one is that?" Ryan asked. 

I put out my hand to shake his and said "That's me.  And this is Makenzie."

"Hello Makenzie, nice to meet you.  You saw the video so you know that there is a special surprise.  Would you like me to tell you or do you want to wait?" Ryan asked.

I looked over at Makenzie who looked disappointed that the guys weren't going to tell us.  Do you want to wait?  It will be more fun and will give us something even better to look forward to." I said, thinking that maybe that would make her feel better.  She loved having something special to look forward to. 

"I guess we can wait if you want to.  I mean, it's only a few weeks until the concert.  That should be fun.  It will drive us crazy.  Yeah, let's wait," she said, cheering herself up.

"Wait, who said anything about waiting for the concert?  I meant wait for the guys to come check this place out.  They went to grab a bite about an hour ago, but with them, who knows what they are up to?"  Ryan said.  It took all my power to keep myself from screaming.  When I looked at Makenzie, she looked like she was about to faint.

"One Direction is here, in Cedar Rapids, to see this place?!"  I said to myself.

"Well, that, and to meet the contest winners and tell you the surprise.  I thought they should be back by now," Ryan replied. 

As if right on cue, the five most gorgeous guys alive walked in.  I couldn't believe it.  They walked over to Ryan.  "Sorry.  We got lost trying to find a place to eat.  They don't have many places to eat that we recognise.  Oh, I'm sorry.  I'm Louis.  You must be our lucky contest winners?"  Louis asked.  I was at al loss for words.  I couldn't speak until he snapped his fingers in my face.

"Right, sorry.  I'm Allie Shay.  I am so excited to meet you," I said nervously. 

"And you are?" Louis asked Makenzie.

"I'm Makenzie.  It's nice to meet you," She said.  Honestly, I was shocked.  I thought she would be freaking out.  I was just waiting for her to faint, but she can be really surprising sometimes.  Once, she saw Tony Robbins,the guy she has had a crush on forever, and the hottest guy at Kennedy High School, at the mall.  They were talking and he asked her out, to which she said no.  When I asked her why, she said it was because he was her brother's best friend.  They don't hang out that often, and only really talk during basketball season.

"Well, I'm Louis, this is Niall, Liam, and Zayn.  We are One Direction," he said while gesturing to each of the boys as he said their names. 

"Hey! What about me?" Harry yelled in a playful way.

"You don't deserve to be introduced because you didn't sit by me in the van, or at the restaurant."  Louis replied.

"Fine.  I'll introduce myself.  I'm Harry.  Did Ryan tell you the surprise already or did he wait for us?"  Harry asked.

"Nope.  He waited for you guys.  So?" I asked getting really anxious. 

"Well, we would like to invite you to go on tour with us.  Everything would be paid for, hotels, food, stuff we do for fun when we are on break, everything.  When school starts, we would hire a tutor so you don't get behind in lessons.  What do you say?"  Zayn asked.  His accent was amazing.  I could listen to it all day.  Then, what he was saying really sunk in.  My eyes went wide and my head shot to meet Makenzie's stare.  We were going to be living with One Direction while they were on tour.

Makenzie and I started jumping up and down, screaming, and fanning away tears.  This was so exciting.  There was just one thing we had to get around: our parents.

They would never let us go away for almost a year, with five boys, living on the same bus.  This was going to be hard, but they would understand.  I have been following them since their first song came out.  I had a lot of convincing to do, and not enough time to do it in.


When I got home, my mom asked me about how it went.  I gave her a complete sumary of the day.  I left out the surprise part for now. 

"Did they tell you what the surprise was?" she asked, reading my mind, like always.

"Um, yeah.  They did," I said really nervous. 

"Well, what is it?"

"They, uh, invited Makenzie and I to, um, go with them on tour," I said, waiting for the no.

"Wow.  That's cool.  How long is it?" she replied. 

"It's about a year," I said, barely audible.

"And how are you planning to pay for this?  And what about school?  You are not going to miss a year of school for this,"

"They are paying for everything and hiring a tutor for Makenzie and I.  So your saying I can go?" I asked super excited.

"As long as your father says it's alright and you follow some rules.  First off, no sleeping in the same bed with anybody but Makenzie.  You call home every night to check in.   Also, same rules apply with them that you have here.  Curfew is 12:30,  homework comes first, you know the rest. Plus anything your dad adds.  I'll talk to him tonight," she said.  I couldn't believe it. I thought I was going to have to beg and plead. 

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I said as I gave her a hug and ran to go call Makenzie.

"Did you ask your parents yet?" I asked as soon as she answered.

"Yeah, but they have to think about it and call your parents to see what they think.  How about you?  Did you ask?" She replied.

"Yeah, my mom said yes as long as my dad says yes and I follow some rules.  I'm really excited."

"Me too. I'm pretty sure my parents will say yes if your parents said yes.  And this is a once in a lifetime chance.  I would be so mad if they said no," she said.

"When do you think you will have your answer?"

"Probably tomorrow morning.  I hear my mom on the phone talking about it, probably to your mom.  She sounds pretty on board with it all.  It's late and we have school tomorrow.  Talk to you then," she said and hung up.  She was right.  It was 11:30, and I have lights out by midnight on school nights. I was kind of scared for school the next day.  Everybody would want to know the date of the concert and what the surprise was.  I kept thinking of what we were going to tell them.

I finally gave up and went to sleep.

Vote, Comment, Fan, Give any ideas.  I will try to use them!  Thanks!

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