The Wait

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The next day at school, everybody was asking questions. Not just the Directioners, everybody. i guess that everybody was excited that we actually had a big name come to Cedar Rapids. Every person that passed me in the hallway asked the same questions. "When are they coming? What is the surprise? Are you going to meet them? Have you met them?" It was very annoying. By third period I was fed up. In forth period, Makenzie and I decided we had to put an end to this.

We decided to go tho the office and announce it to the whole school. When we walked in the secretary, Mrs. Zemi, was on the phone. We waited for about 3 minutes for her to finish. When she finally hung up, she asked "Can I help you two ladies?" She sounded very annoyed and depressed.

"I was just wonering if it would be alright if we could make a quick announcement. It's about the contest we won. Everybody is asking and it is really annoying." Makenzie answered in her sweet tone of voice. If she used that tone on anybody, she always got what she wanted.

"I'm sorry girls. I can't let you do that. it is a disruption of classes, and if I let you I have to let anybody that asks." Mrs Zemi said. Great, now what? If I have to answer one more question, I might just explode.

"But this is really distracting from class. I can't pay attention when everybody is constantly asking questions. Wait, is that a Cocker Spaniel? It is so cute!" Makenzie blurted out, pointing to a picture on Mrs. Zemi's desk. I couldn't believe she was talking about dogs at a time like this.

"It is. That is Chuggy, my baby boy. He is the cutest dog you will ever see." Mrs. Zemi started rambeling on about the picture. I didn't know why Makenzie would start talking about a dog at a time like this.

"So, how about that announcement, Mrs.Zemi?" Makenzie asked.

"Sure, but make it quick, and this is a one time thing. Understood?" She said. I couldn't believe how great Makenzie was at getting her way. If she wanted a river to stop flowing, she could probably make it happen.

"Attention Kennedy students, this is Allie Shay. Most of you know but I, along with Makenzie Benson have won a writing contest, that the prize is a One Direction concert. We have a date and time set. The show will be on June 21st, at 7:00, at the U.S. Cellular Center. Makenzie and I both ask that no more questions be asked, unless absolutely necessary. Thank you." I announced into the intercom. After that, there were no more questions.. It was so much more peaceful at school.

The next few weeks were awful. We waited, and waited. Everyday we grew more and more anxious. We did a few interviews for local news stations about the contest, the show, and the tour. once people learned what the surprise was, they were excited for us. This ind of thing never happened to people from small towns in Iowa.

Once school finally ended, things became real. We only had about two more weeks to wait. Makenzie called each other with lots of "What if"s. What if they are total freaks or stuck up divas? What if we never get to do anything? Plus a few that sounded pretty good to me. What if they are exactly like all the video diaries? What if they bring us out on stage? We couldn't wait much longer.

On June 10th, Joe called. "Hello Allie, I was just calling to check in. You and Makenzie are still in for the trip?" He asked.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." I replied.

"And we are still on for the 21st?"

"All good."

"Perfect. You guys aren't to excited, are you?"

"Try bursting with excitement." I said.

"Alright. See you soon." Joe said, and hung up.

Now it was official. No backing out. One Direction was coming to Cedar Rapids to perform. Makenzie and I were going on tour with them for almost a year. And our lives would forever be changed.


Hello everybody! I feel soooooooo bad. My computer crashed and it took forever to get it fixed. Even worse, i have had it back for a while but still haven't updated because I have sooo much homework and stuff to do. UGH! I hope to find more time now that first term is out of the way and am back on a regular schedule.

Also, thanks for reading and I promise, the guys will appear it the next chapter! YAY! It would mean the world to me if people would give some feed back. I don't even know if people actually read this, but I have fun writing it so...

Follow me on Twitter, I'm ew to the world of twitter! @JB1DAlyssa

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