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     Lara sighed as she stepped into the car, [Y/N] stepping in the driver's side. She slid the key into the ignition, and started the car up, putting it into reverse. They stayed quiet for a while as [Y/N] drove. Finally, Lara turned to her. "I can't believe you did that..." she murmured softly. [Y/N] smirked and glanced over at Lara through the corner of her eye. "Hey. Everyone has their own opinions, but that's no way to express them. Just be glad I didn't do something worse. He only got what he deserved," the [h/c] girl replied. Lara looked away and shrugged off the weird feeling in her back. "I guess so..." she replied almost silently. The rest of the ride back to Lara's house was extremely awkward. The uncomfortable silence that hung in the air was beginning to weigh on Lara, who slowly began to slump down into her chair. I really didn't expect her to do that...I mean...I guess I'm glad that she did, but...did she really have to go that far?

"Well, we're here," [Y/N] suddenly said, snapping Lara out of her trance. The brunette looked up and realized they were now parked in her driveway. The car must've been off for a while now because [Y/N] looked a little impatient. "Oh. Sorry." Lara quickly stepped out of the car and shut the door as she headed up onto the porch. [Y/N] followed and locked the car, joining Lara at the front door as the brunette fumbled in her pockets to find her keys. When she finally grasped them, she unlocked the door and pushed it open. The two went inside and sat down on the couch once Lara had closed the door. "Hey, you two! How was your date?" Sam suddenly asked. Lara—not realizing Sam had been in the room—jumped. "Jesus Christ, Sam. You scared me." Sam laughed and gave a small apology. "So, how was the date?"

     Lara blushed. "O-Oh, no, it wasn't a d—" "it was great! I mean, it got a little awkward for a bit, but I guess that's kinda normal for first dates, right?" Sam lit up and nodded. "Right! I'm glad you two had fun!" Lara froze and stared at [Y/N], completely dumbfounded. She thought that was a date?? [Y/N] turned to her and they made eye contact, but [Y/N]'s expression quickly shifted to concern. "Lara? You alright there? Your face is really red." Lara finally blinked and felt just how warm her face had grown. "U-Uh...y-yeah...yeah, I'm fine." [Y/N] smiled softly and nodded. "Alright...well...I gotta get to my house so I can get ready for my next shift. It starts in an hour," she said, standing up as she checked her watch. Sam nodded back and waved. "Alright. Stay safe!" she hollered. "I will!"

     Once [Y/N] left the house, Lara sat down on the couch. She went deep into thought, which seemed impossible since so many questions were flying through her mind. She thought that was a date? Was it a date? Am I just an idiot?? "Lara?" The brunette's head snapped up in surprise at the sudden voice. "U-Uh, yeah?" Sam placed her hands on her hips and shook her head. "Tsk tsk tsk. You poor, lovesick fool." Lara furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Excuse me?? What do you mean by 'poor, lovesick fool'?" Sam sighed and sat beside her friend. "You didn't think that was a date, did you?" Lara sheepishly shook her head. "Not really...I thought it was just..." She tried to think of something, but failed to, eventually letting out a sigh. "I don't know what I thought it was. But it definitely never crossed my mind that we could've been on a date."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2020 ⏰

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