Chapter 1

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              England's POV

  I stood there, smiling at what represents him now. It caused me pain just to think about it, but he is happy now. I thought, if it never happened, where would I be now? How would I feel knowing that he was still here? My old self was to ignorant to tell him that I loved him more. Ever since that day, there's been a hell on my shoulders. I just wish it never happened.
    I tried calling Alfred, he wouldn't pick up. He didn't respond to my messages. I didn't want to be a pain and bother him, but it just was worry that destroyed his privacy. I put on my black coat and put my phone in my pocket. I slipped on my boots and opened the door to my house. It was raining pretty hard out there. I ran to my car and hopped in. I started driving to his house. The only thing on my mind was Alfred. He was also know as America. I finally reached my destination after 5 minutes, since he only lived a couple blocks down. I pulled into his driveway, looking at the familiar house in front of me. I walked up to the front door, gently knocking. No awnser. I tried again but no such luck. I pulled out the familiar key he had given me a year ago. I unlocked the door to Alfreds house. I heard nothing, not even the TV was on. I slowly walked towards his bedroom, wondering what I would encounter on the other side. I slowly opened the door and peeked inside. What was inside made my heart wrench. It was too much to handle. I slowly walked over to him. His body laying there on his bed. I was heartbroken. The blood on his blanket just made me want to scream. I noticed there was something his right hand, a picture of myself. Laying next to Alfreds body was a note. I read it, it had said
"I'm sorry I failed you. I just couldn't take it anymore. The constant pang in my heart telling me I should do it. I never could of had you. Nor could I please you. I'm sorry Arthur, I couldn't bring up the nerve to confess I loved you. Ill be happier knowing that your ok and I'm paying for never doing this. I love you. Simple words, yet a complex meaning, I couldn't take it anymore. Goodbye.
              Alfred F. Jones"
    This can't be happening. It can't. Is this a dream. Is this a fucking dream. Why? Why did he have to do it? He had a life! Something to live for! But I couldn't prevent it. It happened and there's nothing I can do. I held him in my arms as I sobbed. I just cried there into his chest, not caring about the world anymore. I just can't take it. The words echoed in my head. Why him? Why him? The constent repetition of those 2 words in my head. Silently echoing until I passed out.
           ~end of flashback~
I couldn't take it. Looking at his grave was too much. Too unhealthy for me. I have been depressed ever since his death. No, I can't do this. I ran home and found a kitchen knife. I silently went back to Alfreds grave.

      "This is for you" I whispered. Ill come and meet you again. The rain poured hard as I cut up my arm. The blood running down my wrist, silently dripping of my fingertips. I felt dizzy. This feeling. It hurt, but I was doing this for him. I slowly sheathed the blade into my vein, watching the blood stream as my vision went blurry. I cut another area. Slowly collapsing on the ground.
"For you" I silently whispered.
With the little power I had left, I said in my loudest voice possible. "I love you". After using up my last drop of life, my vision faded into blackness.
             ~some time later~
    I slowly opened my eyes to see my body, laying there on the ground, covered in blood. I looked at Alfred's grave to see him sitting there, looking at me. I ran towards him and hugged him, feeling his warm arms embrace me.
    "I love you, Alfred" I sobbed into his chest.
  "I love you too, Arthur" I wanted to stay in his arms forever. He was there, we may both have been dead, but at least we are now together again. I was going to stay with him for eternity. I can do this now.
               ~The end~
*wipes tear*. That was so sad. Why did I write this? I was inspired by the song whisky lullaby. I watched a USUK video based around that song. How *sniff* was it? ~RXL Chan

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