Chapter 19

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Mimmi POV:

The full moon is tonight, tensions are already running very high. Rita was sick this morning, she had a really high fever. We debated on calling Doctor Blakely, but we know this is dragon related. Antibiotics likely cannot solve whatever the dragon is doing to her. She's currently asleep o the couch, and she seems to be doing a bit better then this morning, the only noticeable difference is she's a lot paler than normal. However, Weilan, Ondina, and I all agree it will likely worsen as the day progresses and the moon gets closer to rising.

Veridia has not shown up yet, which I am a bit grateful for. She's so protective of Rita and has hardly left her side through all of  this, and I know that will follow suit. Veridia was always one to stress easily, the less stress she has the better.

Ondina came out holding a bowlful of prawns, they did not appear in the best condition, but food is food, and I don't think any of us in our right minds would dare complain about the state of some prawns when we all had much bigger worries. I haven't slept well as of lately, and I cannot wait for this to end so I can actually feel secure.

Rita has had us sleeping in the grotto ever since she fixed it up a few days ago, and has tried to limit our swimming as much as possible. As much as I dislike it I know she is right, this time she's not being over protective. I hate sleeping in legs, and we haven't had to do so since David's stupid camera incident. But considering these dragons can take your tail forever, I'd much rather bear legs for a few nights than for an eternity.

I find myself eating a prawn, although I am not even aware of when I walked over to the table, let alone grabbing one and deciding to eat it. Sleep deprecation can do horrible things to your sense of thought I am learning. Ondina, Weilan, and I eat in silence. The silence speaks for us, saying thousands of words we are all too afraid to say. Our throats are too dry, our minds soo thick with worry all that would come out would be a dull excuse for words.

And yet the silence continues to speak for us. She speaks of our fear and resentment, our doubts and our worries. They say actions speak louder than words, but I think silence does. None of us feel like talking, three bright happy girls who are always laughing have been silenced. If that does not say more than an action, I don't know what does.

The silence grows thicker and thicker in the air, her voice demanding. Speak! speak! speak! someone speak. But none of us do. I feel as though my words have been stolen from me, dull crunching from the prawns as we eat now the only thing to dull the silence. Silence is interrupted when Veridia comes walking up from the grotto. Thank you, finally. Silence retreats as Veridia's voice floats down the hallway. She is asking where we are, if we are alright, if anything had happened. Her voice is thick with worry as Ondina loudly yells back we are in the kitchen. How could she have been so silent moments ago?

Veridia makes her way into the kitchen, and walks around us leaning against the marble tabletop. She drums her fingers against it as Weilan offers her a prawn, which she graciously waves away. Weilan shrugs and places it in her own mouth a few moments later.

"Is Rita resting?" Veridia asks softly. "Sorta...She's sick, at least we think. She had a high fever this morning and a really bad headache. She's asleep right now but we all think it'll het worse as the full moon gets closer." Ondina explains. Clearly she is the only one of us to have found a voice. Veridia nods, it is solemn  and short. She is processing things, and it appears she doesn't like the results she's getting.

"Well, I suppose we'll have to wait until she wakes up. Let her rest though, tonight is a big night. She still plans on going after the dragon herself" Veridia asks arching an eyebrow. "There is no plan. She is convinced, has her heart set on doing it on her own.  I don't think there's any way to talk her out of it." Ondina says, as they continue their two way conversation.

"Well of course not. She's always been stubborn like that." Veridia says reminiscently, a small smile on her face. "Well, sadly I don't think there's any chance of us convincing her to let us go along." Weilan says, finding her voice.

The three of them continue to talk, and I just stand there. It seems I am the only one who cannot find my voice. Sure, I could talk,  I just don't see the point in talking about it when it's not going to help anyone's case. My throat feels dry and scratchy and my mood is depleting. Wordlessly I walk away from them and set next to Rita. Poseidon curls up in my lap. He is  purring and nuzzles me, seemingly oblivious to what's going on around him.

I don't think I've ever wanted to trade places with something more in my life. And yet, I know I can't. The only thing I am really doing is being negative. is that making everything worse? I'm Mimmi, I'm supposed to be the positive and optimistic one. I need to look on the Brightside...

I clear my throat and tell Poseidon he's a good boy.

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