Chapter 6

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Rita POV:

I closed my eyes tightly as the dragon leaned closer to Zac and I, before I began backing away from him. The dragon shot fire, but to my shock Zac used turn the tide, sending the fire back at the dragon. Weilan must have taught it to him. But if he couldn't keep it up...He'd loose his tail. At this point that could be devastating. I was terrified, but I wasn't going to let myself run away this time. 

I ran back to the grotto, searching for the box I had kept moon rings in. I had found another moon ring one day while swimming and decided to keep it, just in case. Having given my own and the one Zac had previously found to Nixie and Lyla, I felt the need to have one just in case. 

Poseidon crawled closer and nuzzled my feet while I pulled the ring out from the box and slid it onto my finger. "Not now Poseidon..." I murmured, jumping slightly as I heard another crash. I ran back down towards the sea entrance to see Zac use turn the tide on the dragon again. Oddly enough, the dragon seemed to be immune to it's own fire. "Hey!" I shouted, diverting the dragons attention from Zac.

"Rita..." Zac uttered in a low hiss. "Go Upstairs. I can handle it." He urged, but I shook my head at him, aiming the moon ring at the dragon. I closed my eyes, merely envisioning the dragon getting hit by a ray of moonlight. Oddly enough, the dragon just sat there waiting, it didn't shoot any fire.

A large beam of moonlight shot from the ring, directly hitting the dragon. It let out a roar but was seemingly unaffected. Zac used his powers to cause a rush of water to hit the dragon in the eye, knocking it off balance a bit. I slowly formed a cloud above the dragon with my free hand, still keeping the moon ring pointed out. I had to hurry, I could feel the moon ring loosing energy. I had to hope it would last till the dragon left. However, the dragon seemed immune to the ring which was seemingly unheard of.

"Why isn't it doing anything?" Zac asked in a panic. I didn't respond to him as it began to pour rain on the dragon. Thunder boomed inside the room, bouncing off the hollow walls and back into my ears. It was loud and I winced as it continued to cascade back on my ears. The lightning came next, inside and out of the cloud. It was bright and illuminating, and I squinted to try to keep my eyes from burning from the shock of the bright white light.

"How are you doing that?" Zac shouted, continuing to shoot water at the dragon. "Top of the class remember?" I said, arching an eyebrow. After realizing the moon ring wasn't doing much I lowered my hand, lifting water with it instead. The dragon must have been in shock as it had seemingly forgotten how to defend itself against Zac and I. I froze the water I had pulled up from the entrance and closed my eyes, concentrating as much as I could.

The vision came to me quite clearly of what I wanted it to do, and the block of ice slammed into the dragon, shattering. The icy bits flew at the dragon like small shards of glass, cutting into it's watery blue skin. The dragon let out a roar of pain and began to sink back down to the bottom of the pool. I sighed exasperatedly, stopping the storm. 

Zac dropped his hand and the water he had lifted fell back into the entrance. The dragon had seemingly melted into the sea water, in a stream of white bubbles that soon disappeared from the water. "D-did we do it?" Zac stammered. I began to struggle to hear him. I felt weak, everything seemed to be fading in and out. 

"Rita that was amazing!" Zac exclaimed, pulling me in for a hug. I let out a sigh as he pulled away, stumbling a bit. "Rita...? Are you alright, is something wrong?" Everything began to fade in and out again. His voice grew loud then soft, before swirling together and sounding like nothing but muffled static in my ears. The water I stared at began to shift between black and blue, the pool appeared vast as the blue and black tones swirled together in front of me.

Zac grabbed my arm and turned me to face him. His lips were moving but all I could hear was the muffled sound of his voice. My head was pounding, this felt worse than any migraine. A searing pain that was paralyzing. I struggled to keep my eyes opened, everything was turning such a bright white color.

It hurt badly to keep them open, so I gave in. I let my eyelids drift shut and the white color drifted away. The pain began to fade to a numb buzzing as I felt everything fade, slowly but surely. And then, there was nothing.

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