Whats It like. Facing your death....

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I can't cope. My tears are silently rolling down my face.
There calling me names, teasing me.
I feel trapped, surrounded and alone
Why did I ever deserve this pain??... 
Have you ever thought about me.???what you said to me ??

huh?? Maybe not! Because you killed me everyday..... Piece by piece my life shadders away.

Do you hear me? Do you see me? Am I a nobody to you.... ??I don't think so because I'm taking my life now, why??? Because of you..... you told me so much that I started believing it. And I was stupid for doing that.

I have no faith anymore, it's the relatives that your going to miss, it's the bullies your going to remember most of all.

The words that they use are a knife that plunged through your heart.

KILLING YOU! Each time. What did I do to deserve this? What did I ever do to you? Tell me!!!! I have a million questions but they are never explained. Just asked.

Everyday I run home crying, my parents can't do anything. You punch me and I cry . I ask you what did I do? You punch me again and make fun of my mum.

Every morning,day and night. I look in the mirror and cry. I replay the harmful. Horrible. Ruthless words in my head. At school I'm alone, no one is there for me. I sit in the toilets at recess and cry.

Each day has gone past not yet a set of tears has not rolled down my cheek.
Not yet a knife has not plunged through my 💔 heart.

You are rude,mean and a bastard. You sexually assault me and I'm done.

I GIVE UP! I can't do it anymore, you've gone to far and crossed the line it's coming to an end now. I'm jumping now. I can't take it anymore.

P.S it's bullying that killed me.
Please seek justice.

For Readers:
WARNING: This is a true story, by many bullied people. I am just here to reexplain many bully stories. I am not harmed or bullied and I am very much alive .I created this story for bullies who feel the need to bully.

For the bullies
Read this and change. I actually feel sorry for you. You need the help quickly, you've caused way too much pain upon other people. 🛑 STOP! You can change. You know who you are.

For Readers:
If you ever are bullied seek help. There are plenty of helplines to contact. You've heard the stories of commiting suicide. It's not worth it! Why would you risk your life for a person with no decency???. You know better,please stay safe. Live long..........
Thank you for reading. Please keep your life long and happy.
All the best, GossipBlitzGirl😌

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