Her Name

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His phone lit up on his face making him open his eyes before going to deepen his sleep. He took his phone which was placed on his side. Realizing he was waiting for her to text long back but dozed off. His face lit up Immediately with a broad smile knowing that it was her, who had replied after an hour.

"Heya! Pretty boy from the library."

He froze to see her text like that. "Pr...pretty boy?" He let out looking away from the screen.

"Um! Don't worry darling I will return the book!"

"Darling?"  Weird. But he knew something was off because he knew a cute girl like her from the library won't be texting like that. He snapped "well who knows! She gave her number to a stranger!" To be noted she didn't even mention her name. He wasn't sure to reply and ended up asking her name

"May I know your name?"

"Um! We don't need to know names. Don't think it's unnecessary?"

He froze over the text "what are her intentions?" He sighed internally.Of course, he took the second meaning of that statement and not the straight meaning.

"If you don't want to tell that's fine. Just return the book or we can just name transfer it."

"Oh that desperate to meet me?"

He could feel his cheeks grow pink instantly. He shook his head in disbelieve "Ani! Ani!" He completely blacked out when another text came without him replying to the previous one.

"Okay, if you insist. we can go on a date to explore more of each other."

He widened his eyes at the text "Yep, I am not a pervert, She did mean it that way." he said internally scrolling back at the weird conversation. Before he could type anything another text came.

  "Don't mind the previous texts, m sorry. Yeah, can we meet up?"

He grew more confused to the texting pattern change all of a sudden. And the fact that she was asking him to meet her. 

"Don't mind! where do you wanna meet?"

No reply for another 10mins. He felt like he is being desperate to meet her. He cursed himself for even bothering to msg her in the first place. "She wanted me to msg her, now she isn't even replying. I feel needy, and those weird msgs? was she trying to text seduce me? Aishh!!"


"Tomorrow at 6 outside the library?"  

 "sounds great! I will be there."

He texted her back with half trust. He didn't whether he should meet her or not. "What if she takes advantage of me?"

  "See you tomorrow!"

"Woahh!! she is forward." He chimed tugging his phone under his pillow.

"Don't be judgemental, you idiot!" 

"Ah! Gabjaga. When did you?" he sighed at Minji who was standing next to his bed. He felt like caught red-handed, She narrowed her eyes and smirked at him.

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