Her Gaze

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He reached the spot and glanced at his watch. Time - 4:36 Pm 

He was wearing a black high collar neck tee with black trousers on top of it he wore a black long hoodie which came along way till his mid calf length, covered almost all of his face.

  Grim reaper's point of view -  

Breathing normally underneath my hoodie,I  sightly turned to my left to see the car approaching. Then I glanced at the right and saw the the truck nearing. I watched silently as they collided from the opposite side. A tear drop from both my eyes rolled down to my cheeks.

Time -  4:38 Pm

I walked slowly to the opposite side with my jaws clenched, showing how frustrated i was to take a soul. Glancing silently whatever happening on that side of the road. I quickly glanced at a human comforting the boy. I was trying not to get disturbed by. Because this job has to be done quickly. And i never ever get distracted by any human emotions

I saw the man was almost to hit the lady with fist but she didn't care, was near her son crying as I reached the other side. I pulled out the cuff from my pocket, immediately crabbing the man's hand calmly, cuffed him. 

"You have the right to remain silent until your account has been analysed. plead guilty?" I  asked him furiously. He saw the hell through his eyes, as I called out his name. His soul vanished in air within a minute leaving red light trails.

I reached the lady who was crying and cuffed her also "follow me! you will be alright and taken care of..."  

"wait" she pleaded cutting off before her name was called out. I let go off her for a second and turned to look away to avoid the sentiment.

"could you please tell him that i love him" the lady said sobbing.

I turned back to see the human, more in shock as she said exactly what lady just told her. I, for a second thought it was a coincidence. But as she turned to the lady and I saw her nod to the lady in tears, I was taken a back and I saw her in awe with my jaw dropped.

"she is a clairvoyant? Why i couldn't see through her?"

But You didn't let this to ruin your job which you had came for. 

"Mrs. Park Ha Na" he said underneath his hoodie. She closed her eyes to be vanished in the air leaving blue light trail.


Your point of view:

You turned back to see the collided area and stood frowned there. Tears rolling down you moved passed the truck and "Why god? Why me? I never wanted this, you forced this to me. Why?" You yelled looking up.

 The sound of the ambulance reached to your ears making you look away. You wiped your tears and went back to the boy who was still in shock.

You sat near the boy who was sitting at the back door of the ambulance, blanket covered over his body. "are you alright?" you asked him in a soft voice.

"Noona!" broken voice of his spoke.

"Hm?" you placed your hand around his shoulder.

"can you take me to your home?" he asked looking at you. "As i don't..." 

"Who else is gonna take you? ah!" you said teasing him to lighten up his mood.

 You have been alone for like most of your life. You didn't even hesitate for a second to take responsibility of the boy when the police officer said that the boy had no one other than his mother. The police officer reassured offering that they can leave him in an orphanage. For some reasons you felt you should take responsibility of the boy now.

"Okay!" he said slightly smiling at you.

"I am Lee min ji" you extended your hand for a proper intro towards the boy.

"I am park jimin" he said placing his hand onto yours. 

"ah!! minji ! jimin ? are we already siblings?" you nudged him. He gave you the brightest smile ever.


Grim reaper's point of view:

My job was done now for the rest of the day, I had no job other than getting to know her myself. I could help myself but notice her standing up in tears. I glanced at her face from underneath my hoodie. Her tears were shining from the low sunlight which was falling on her face making it orange-ish pale. 

I watched her sighing heavily with my breath as she moved behind the truck. I couldn't help but follow her. My tears rolling down as I saw her crying and yelling. For a reason, I couldn't control my tears. I went in shock and questioned my presence right there.

 She turned towards me after hearing the ambulance. I almost felt like i am a visible man now. Her gaze... Her gaze looked so different making me immediately fall at ease.  

"Never in my life this happened"  you chimed under your hoodie.

[Grim reaper's tears only come when he/ she sees a person's death. It said that one will become a Grim reaper, if they had killed their loved ones in previous life.]

I slowly watched every move of hers. Wondering why she is affecting me in every way possible? I shouldn't get caught up with the human emotions but with her it was different. I could feel my tears when she cried, I smiled when she smiled looking at the boy. 

"i am lee minji " she said. Something with her.. her name.. which was bothering me. 

"you have to come the police office to register as his legal guardian" the inspector said. she agreed to come by tomorrow morning.I completely couldn't understand how she can be so soft to let the boy stay with her. This world almost filled with selfish people, she was different.

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