Ch. 2: First day

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I arrived at the Silver Fox Mansion early the next morning and didn't even get to put my bags and suitcase down on the porch before the black-polished wooden main door opened, seemingly by itself. Then the same boy who greeted me yesterday appeared in the doorway.

"Hello and welcome, Ms. Thomas. Let me help you with your luggage."

"Thank you so much. May I ask what your name is?" I asked curiously, mostly to be polite and keep a conversation. I mean, he was my coworker now, so I might as well get to know him.

"Leo. Leo Powel."

His answer was short and didn't automatically invite to talk any further, but I didn't give up that easily.

"Nice name, Leo. How long have you worked here?"

"An eternity."

I laughed at his silly joke, but I felt weird when I saw he wasn't laughing with me. He didn't even smile. But I shrugged it off. If you think your job is boring, only a week feels like an entire year, so 'an eternity' is more a matter of definition. After all, he couldn't be that much older than me. Perhaps even younger.

"Why exactly is the mansion called The Silver Fox?" I asked, still curious about my new temporary home.

"They used to breed foxes and producing fur a long time ago. The Jackson family earned good money and the fur on the silver foxes was high priced. And since they ran a good business, they used a tremendous amount of money to build this mansion."

I nodded and admired the little I could see of the overwhelmingly sized house while he was talking. It sure was extraordinary. Smooth curves and arches seamlessly connected the building together, even though it you studied it closer, you could see it was built in different eras. Not a single thing was coincidental, not even the marbled details around the windows and doors that had the same arch on the top as the patio underneath the second floor.

"I can see that. I can't believe how beautiful it is."

Once again, I got this weird look before he picked up my suitcase and went inside. I grabbed my bags and quickly hung my jacket on a coat rack as we passed it in the hall. I didn't see Mrs. Lee anywhere, which I found strange since it was my first day, but I guessed she was busy. Then I realized Leo was gone, too, and called his name. Nothing. So I figured I should just go upstairs and unpack. They knew where to find me, anyway.

I put my two bags down on the floor next to the door I thought was my room, while I wondered where Leo went with my suitcase. But just as I grabbed the doorhandle and was about to push the door open, an arm reached around me and slammed it shut.

"Leo! You scared me! I didn't even know you were here. I thought you were downst..." I exclaimed, but he cut me off.

"Don't ever enter this room!" he said with a threatening voice. I gulped.

"I'm sorry, but isn't that my room?"

He stared at me, and his eyes didn't even flicker when he reached out his hand to show the right direction.

"This is Mr. Jackson's room. That is yours."

I suddenly felt uncomfortable in his presence. There was something different in his eyes that I didn't notice before, like instead of looking at me, he stared right through me.

"I'm sorry. My mistake," I mumbled and lowered my head. How did I not hear him coming up the stairs? He'd obviously walked pretty close behind me too, since he slammed the door shut so quickly. That room was Mr. Jackson's room, my new boss. So I mentally ordered myself to follow the rules and do as Leo said. Where was he, anyway?

I frowned when I realized he was gone again. But my suitcase was there, together with my two bags. And they weren't standing next to me, like I'd expected. No. They were right outside what obviously was my right room. But how?

"What kind of place is this?" I mumbled as I walked down the hall, hesitant and quite suspicious. But my room was exactly how I remembered it, only colder. The light blue drapes danced quietly in the mild breeze from the outside. It was sunny, but the sun itself hid behind the corner of the house and made my room colder and darker than the others. I huffed and closed the window.


I unpacked and tried to make myself as comfortable as possible while I wondered why Mrs. Lee hadn't come to see me yet. So, after about half an hour of doing nothing, I went downstairs to look for her myself. But I had to say that I felt like a trespasser as I walked around searching for her or Leo. Especially since I couldn't find either of them. Actually, I couldn't find anybody. Not even outside.

I walked back to the hall and into the room where the interview took place, and found it was empty. My gaze wandered to the many portraits on the wall. I hadn't really studied them yesterday, but it was incredible how detailed they were. They almost looked real. There was especially a big one hanging over the fireplace, of a middle-aged man staring into a world of nothingness. Luckily, he seemed to look outside through the window, and not at me. If not, it would have creeped me out. I couldn't tell exactly why, but I assumed it was because his face was so serious, showing no signs of emotions. People who didn't smile always made me nervous.

"That's why I don't have any portraits at home. I simply don't like them," I said, mostly to calm myself but also to cut through the heavy silence that rested upon the room.

"You're going to dust those once a week, so you'll just have to get used to it," a sharp voice sounded right behind me, and I let out a little scream.

"Oh, my Goodness!" I exclaimed, startled. And when I turned around, I saw Mrs. Lee.

"I-I'm sorry!" I stuttered. "I wasn't aware you were here. I was just admiring..."

"I heard you. No need for excuses," she said and cut me off again. "We're gonna have a quick walkthrough around the house now, and an instruction on the kitchen chores and your duty as a maid afterwards. So pay attention."

She didn't even wait for my response and started walking. And reluctantly, I followed.

"Yes, ma'am."

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