Chapter 18

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YOU GUYS ROCK! 12,000 READS?! Sorry I couldn't update earlier guys! I am at this moment preparing for 2 TEACUP/MICRO PIGGIES TO ARRIVE! AHH! <3


"Hello?" The other side of the phone called, with a familiar British accent. I must have been holding my breath, I exhaled deeply.

"Oh thank god! Rebekah?" I was so relieved.

"Well, duh. You call, I answer. Could you hurry up? I've not got all bloody day, Riley needs his bottle."

"You babysitting? I thought you left New Orleans?" I questioned.
Rebekah explained what had happened.

"Why are you calling me? What is it?" Rebekah seemed agitated.

"Oh Rebekah, I need your help!" I sobbed, and told her everything to the airport, all the way till now. Leaving out Emma's current state.

"Caroline, I don't know what to do. Riley mustn't be found. Oh! Call Elijah, he could help. Caroline I really must go, I'm sorry, call me later." Rebekah ended the call.

Caroline's hope in Rebekah was diminished. Elijah was our last hope. I nodded towards Emma, with hopeful eyes. I unlocked the iPhone once more.

Ring, ring.

Time seemed to slow down, along with my heartbeat.
I was feeling desperate. This poor girl, Emma, is my responsibility. It's my fault she's in this mess, conceiving my child. She might not even survive. This could go horribly wrong for the both of us. We could get caught escaping, Elijah might not even answer, the baby could die. The possibilies were endless.
But I was also feeling desperate, because I wanted this child. It was something that I needed, but didn't know that I wanted. I say it, because I didn't know if it is a boy, a girl, or even exists. If it was all just a failure and I'm stuck in here with a girl that has nothing to do with any of this. As much as that is what she wants, and what I partially hope. I'm praying that she is pregnant. I might not get a chance to be a mother. I'm not even sure who the Father is, if it is a fetus at this moment. Or if it's just imaginary.
That's why I didn't call Klaus. He doesn't need to know. I know that he didn't have a positive reaction to Hayley's pregnancy, and he might be upset if he is. I mean, he just barley had Riley!
But, it could be Tyler's.
Or Marcel's.

And I'm so afraid. For all of us.


I sighed with relief and joy, "Oh my God. Elijah?! Oh, thank you, God!"

"Caroline? What has happened? Are you okay?" Elijah sounded worried.

"Elijah, I really need your help." I begged.

"Anything, Caroline. What do you need my assistance with?" He replied, almost instantly.

"Elijah, I'm in a really big mess. But, you cannot tell Klaus. I need your word. Please." I pleaded desperately.

Elijah paused for a moment, and sighed. "You have my word. But you must tell me why it is the utmost of importance that my brother, does not know about your situation."

I told him everything. The airport, the torture, even Emma and the possible pregnancy. I even put him on loud speaker, and had Emma confirm the part that she was aware of.

"Okay. Caroline, where are you and I will come and collect you?" Elijah said confidentely.

"That's the problem. They put us in some bungalow thing, in the middle of nowhere to see if the testing worked. Do you have a witch that could track us? Or anything?!" I cried. Hoping and praying, holding Emma's hand in a comforting gesture.

It was silent. For what seemed like forever.

"I might have something."

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