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The night was cold, drifts of wind past Isabel as she was walking home in the dark from her trumpet lesson. Her dad had picked up an extra shift at work to pay for the boat he was building, and her mother, already getting off so late, Isabel was left walking home alone, the reason her father took an extra shift was to help pay for "the plan,". The plan was he was going to ride a boat to America and then to send the family money after getting a job in America. "Easy," her father said, but Isabel knew that nothing about this plan was easy, but it most definitely wasn't easy to watch her father go thousands of miles away.


She was tapping her foot on the sidewalk enjoying every moment, she made sure every second of this lesson lasted even if the session was over. She knew her lessons were going to end soon. Her father had already started collecting materials for the boat. A tear rolled down her cheek she couldn't take all of this change, her father, her best friend was moving away. Possibly forever, and she didn't know if he was taking her with him. Silently sobbing down the sidewalk. The wind whispering "shhh", the trees rustling, everything was still, calm, peaceful. A hand flew over Isabel, her still sobbing. A jacket was tossed over with the hand. While a boy her age was walking in the street. She had never met this boy, but he offered his jacket. It was cold for Cuba, even if it was 50 degree's it still was freezing but they were freezing together, silently.


Not a word was spoken that evening but a friendship grew, and soon they were walking into each other's houses like there own. The door swung open, "Belita!!" He shouted. "YES!?" Isabel screamed at the top of her lungs.Belita was a nickname Ivan had given Isabel, He could only call her Belita, but she was never allowed to look up what it meant, he was to reveal it to her at her quince. A short, muscular boy walked in, leaning on the door frame, "Jeez, you don't have to yell," he said in a sarcastic tone. I rolled my eyes playfully.  He sat down on the floor with me, cross-legged."What's wrong with you." "UGGH" A grunt comes out of Isabel as she falls into his lap. "My trumpet lessons have stopped, My dad still hasn't contacted us, my mom is pregnant and fighting with papa, and I just want everybody to be happy," She said in a huff. She stared up at the ceiling. "This has been the worst year of my life, but at least I had you." Ivan smiled "I am the best," She knew that was his way of saying, you too. They both laughed and smiled. It was a hard time for Cuba, even if they were the only ones happy, they were still happy together, silently

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2018 ⏰

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