II. Christmas Present (ft. EXO's Baekhyun)

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Alium grouped around the phone, eager to call their friends MAO to congratulate them on their performance. The dialling tone rang and rang, causing Chloe to grow impatient and start drumming her fingers on the table.

 "Chloe, would you please sto-", Katya started, before being interrupted by Olivia's static-distorted voice.


 “Congratulations!” The group called out their wishes over each other, causing quite a racket. It was lucky that their dorm had close to soundproof walls otherwise neighbours would be complaining 24/7.

 “Thanks, guys.” In distinct contrast to their high pitched excitement, Olive's calm voice rang through the living room. With a hint of pride, she asked, “Did you watch our performance?”

 The clamour of voices started up again.

 “Of course we did!”

 “Your song is so good!”

 “Your voice is amazing, Olive!”

 They were all shouting, trying to be heard over each other.

 “Guys, I can’t hear a thing you’re saying.”

 “Everyone, quiet!” Maejun shushed the others and turned the speakerphone off. Holding the phone to her ear, she continued speaking to Olivia while her members grumbled at being cut off and dispersed towards their respective rooms to change out of their outdoor clothes into more comfortable gear.

 The group had just come back from filming for an episode of Running Man that would be broadcasted in a couple of weeks and they were all tired from the day’s events. Thankfully, their manager had given them the rest of the day off and they had easily come to a unanimous decision to spend the time lazing around the dorm.

 Just as Hyemi reached her room and was about to turn the knob, she heard Maejun calling after her.

 "Hyemi-ah! Don't you want your phone back?"

 She had completely forgotten that she had offered her phone to call MAO. "Thanks, Maejun. I-"

 The sound of her ringtone cut her off.

 "Ooh, I wonder who it is," Maejun said. Her voice took on a more teasing tone as she glanced at the screen. "Ah! It's Baek. I'll just..." She answered the call. "Hello? Oh hi, Baekhyun. Hyemi? No, sorry, I don't know where she-"

 "Yah!" Hyemi leaped across the room, reaching Maejun and snatching the phone from her hand in record time. Shooting the amused leader a glare, she spoke into the phone.  "Hello?"

 "Jagi?" Baekhyun sounded confused. "What's going on?"

 "Nothing. Unnie's being poopy."

 He laughed at her use of such a juvenile term. "You're so cute."

 "Not as cute as you, oppa." Hyemi could see Maejun gagging in the corner of her eye. Flapping her hand to shoo the nosy leader away, Hyemi turned and walked back to her room.

 Baekhyun laughed again. "Anyway, I was just wondering if it's okay for me and some of the guys to come over."

 "Oh so you think you are cuter?" Hyemi demanded with mock indignation, refusing to let him change the subject.

 "Aish, jagiya. You have more aegyo than me. Happy now?"


 "Good. So can we come over?"

 "Hold on. I'll check with Maejun." Sticking her head out the door, she called, "Unnie!"

 Maejun walked down the hallway from the living room. "What?"

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