III. Dance With Me (ft. EXO's Kai)

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"Hey Olive, you coming?" Alice called, impatient to get in the car and head to Alium's dorm. She had casually (she hoped) asked Baekhyun if Kai was going to be there and when he had responded that he would be, she'd had a hard time keeping her excitement in check.

"Oh, um, I..." Olivia was torn between hanging out with her group mates and friends or accepting Minhyuk's invitation of going out to eat with his bandmates. "I think I'll just stick with Minhyuk today guys. Go have fun though!"

"Alright then, leader. Have fun without us!" Mas waved goodbye.

As the car turned the corner, Alice shouted, "Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" and the last image they saw of Olivia was that of her turning bright red.

"What do you want to listen to?" Mas asked from her usual position of shotgun. "VIXX's new album?" she suggested hopefully.

"Okay I know we're labelmates and everything but you have been playing that nonstop since Ken gave you a copy of the CD."

"It's a good album, okay?" Mas retorted defensively.

"Sure, sure. How about playing EXO's Christmas album though? 'Tis the season after all."

"Pfft, fine. I'm putting the Chinese version on."

"Fine with me."

They spent the rest of the journey singing along to the album, each taking a different part and belting it out to the cringing of their manager.

"Girls," he muttered tiredly after My Turn to Cry had faded away. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but you are an idol group, right? Shouldn't you be, I don't know, good at singing?"

"What are you talking about?" Alice asked, looking offended.

"Yeah, manager-nim. You should get your ears checked because we nailed that!" The two girls high fived as he shook his head and continued muttering about his misfortune at having to tote them around all the time. Thank goodness for him, however, that he didn't have to endure their purposely bad singing any longer as they arrived at Alium's dorm by the first chorus of The First Snow.

"When will you be done?"

"Oh it's okay, manager-nim. We can walk after the party - the dorm's only five minutes from here," Mas assured the manager as they stepped out of the car.

"Okay then. Since that was your last schedule before the New Year, I won't be seeing you till then so Merry Christmas and have a happy New Year!"

"Thanks, manager-nim. Merry Christmas!" They waved him off before climbing the steps to the entrance of the towering block.

Alice pressed the button for Alium's apartment. "Annyeong? Let us in guys, it's freezing out here!" The buzzer sounded to let them know the front door had been unlocked and they gladly entered the warmth of the building.

"So," Mas started as they waited for the old elevator to make its way down to the first floor. "You excited to see Jongin?"

"Shut up." Alice looked down at her shoes. She was excited to see him, but that didn't mean she wanted to talk about it. From the first time she'd seen Kai dance (because damn son, have you seen the moves on that boy), she'd become somewhat infatuated with him. She had been disappointed to find out that Katya from Alium had set her sights on him too, but when she realised that they weren't an item, she had decided that she wouldn't let Kai go without a fight.

"Alright, a bit touchy there I see."

"Go away, Mas," Alice said with a bit of a whine in her voice. She had been over the moon at being assigned a dance duet with Kai, but there now existed a certain tension between them and this would be the first time they would (probably) have a proper conversation since they'd said goodbye after the performance.

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