VI. Attack on the Dorm (ft. 2PM's Wooyoung)

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A/N: This is the last installment of the series. It gets a bit... random because my friend doesn't like cheesy stories. In my attempt to make it as uncheesy as possible, I somehow began referencing my other story so please read this ( before you continue reading this story. I hope you've enjoyed all the stories in this short series, and I'm sorry if it seemed repetitive at times - I wrote them weeks apart and never even realised until I read them all in one sitting. Anyway, here it is...

Taeyoung had just sat down, only very slightly out of breath after a goofy dance battle against Alice, when she felt a vibration coming from the side of the sofa. Digging her hand in between the cushions, she extracted Maejun’s ringing phone.

 Glancing at the caller ID and seeing it was Olivia calling, she looked around for Maejun only to find her whispering to Minho and giggling. Sighing - why are there so many damn couples around here all of a sudden? - her eyes darted around the room for Wooyoung before she answered the call for her leader.


 “Oh hey, Taeyoung,” Olive’s breathless voice rang out from the other end. “Where’s Maejun?”

 She glanced at the lovestruck leader again. “She’s, um, busy. What’s up? Have you been running?”

 “What?” Taeyoung heard a squeal, followed by scolding and a whining male voice. “Oh, no, I just- Minhyuk, stop it!”

 “Having fun, eh?” Taeyoung asked, a teasing tone lacing her words.

 “No! I mean, yes, but we’re not- Minhyuk, I’m giving you till the count of three. One, two…” There was a thud as Olive dropped the phone. Taeyoung realised the squeal earlier had come from Minhyuk, judging from his current squeals as Olive chased him. After a minute or two, she came back on the line. “Sorry about that. Minhyuk was threatening to- Stop. It. Now. Anyway, never mind. I was wondering if we could come over.”

 “Er, now?” Taeyoung took in the already crowded room. “How many people?”

 “Just Minhyuk and me. And Peniel maybe.”

 Meh. Three more bodies won’t hurt.

 “Sure. Come on over.”

 “Okay, we’ll be there in ten.”

 Taeyoung placed the phone on the coffee table and put her feet up, shifting her weight and getting comfortable. She surveyed the room, once again looking for Wooyoung.

 And there he was, sitting cross-legged on the other side of the room, staring directly at her. Shit. Was it obvious that I was looking for him? Maybe I shouldn’t have turned away so quickly. She forced herself to keep her eyes trained on the edge of the table.

 Wooyoung had kept his distance ever since Taeyoung had gone off on that rant about cheese earlier that evening. It had not been her intention to scare him away, but maybe her insistence that cheese was completely off limits had made him hesitant to approach her now.

 She made a face. Well, it’s his loss. /Mental hair flick/ Who needs such a chiselled dude in their life anyway? In her peripheral vision, she saw him turn away and glanced up to see the back of his head before staring at the table again. Oh, who am I kidding. He’s perfect.

 “Hey Taeyoung, who was that on the phone?” Hyemi asked, interrupting her train of thought.

 “What? Oh, it was Olivia. She’s coming over with Minhyuk and Peniel.”

 “Oh yay I haven’t seen Peniel in ages!” The thought of seeing one of her best friends made Hyemi’s face light up.

 Baekhyun cleared his throat. “What’s this about Peniel?”

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