Chapter 1

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Jeon Jungkook:
19 years old

Kim Taehyung
20 years old

"Please help me"
"can you tell my parents that i love them"
"I'm scared"

Jungkook pressed his head into his pillow trying to soothe out the voices around him. He glanced at the clock and lets out a frustrating sight and flopped down on the bed again.

It's 1am and the voices of dead people kept him awake. It's always been like this for as long as he can remember,when he first noticed this special ability he was around 4. He was playing in the garden when a girl appeared in front of him,he was so shocked and couldn't understand where she came from. She looked pale and had bruises on her face but her eyes was filled with happiness just like his. She told him that she drowned and that he couldn't tell anyone because he was the only one who could see her. He could do nothing but nod and then sprinted off into the house.
When he told his mom about it she just said it was imaginary friends and that he should never speak of it to anyone. He understands why now.

When he got older he started to understand that it wasn't imaginary friends but actual dead people. When he was 11 their neighbor died at the age of 91 and in the evening the same neighbor appeared in in front of Jungkook when he was walking home from school. It startled him but when he saw that the neighbor had the same pale face as the little girl had a few years ago he understood that they were not alive.
Now he just had to live with this and sometimes it was a curse but sometimes it was pretty nice, nice to help people to find peace.
Most of the time it was a curse because he was pretty lonely since people got scared of him. He had friends and he was the team captain of their football team but if people could choose they would rather be far away from him. When he walked in the corridors people would whisper and move away from him and every time he tried to approach someone they just made up some lame excuse so that they could leave.

He tried to go back to sleep but there was no use so he stood up,grabbed a shirt and a pair of sweatpants before going downstairs. He had to get out despite it being in the middle of night,he actually enjoyed the night. Mostly because it was quiet.


He screamed before closing the door and walked down the empty streets of Seoul.
It was a little bit chilly tonight so he clutched his jacket harder around his body and kept walking,not really sure where he was going.
He passed by a window and glanced in where he saw a family mourning the loss of their grandmother. This was the worst part of his special gift,to see the sadness and pain people were going through.
Sometimes he did believe that it was harder to watch someone die than to actually die.

As he stood and watched the family the same grandmother appeared beside him and glanced as well.

- those people used to be so happy. It's my fault they are sad.

Jungkook looked at the woman and shook his head.

Jungkook - no mam. It's not your fault,it's a part of life and this is how people react if the lose something precious.

The woman smiled but he could tell that behind that smile there was sadness. She reached out her hand and in it laid a letter.

Woman - could you give this to them? I was going to give it to them before I died but time wasn't on my side.

Jungkook nodded and she smiled before a bright light appeared and blended him. She admired the light before carefully stepping into it and disappearing. And in a matter of seconds the light were gone and so was she.
He smiled a little before walking up to the door and placing the letter by the door,knocked and hurriedly
walked away.

Jungkook walked and walked not bothering with the time. He passed by people not quiet sure if it was actual humans or ghosts,he didn't wanna know.
He went to the han river and sat down on a bench as he gazed up at the sky. Admiring the thousands stars shining so bright and somewhere he thought that maybe each star is a person who passed away and they shine to let us know they are okay.
He got ripped out of his thoughts when he heard sirens just a little further away.
He stood up and looked at the two police cars and one ambulance car that were standing with their sirens on. People were running like crazy and he could see there was two cars laying on the road totally wrecked.
There had been a car crash and a knot formed in his stomach.

The whole scene was chaotic and it made him feel like he was in a movie,he glanced around and saw people cry,cops securing the place of and the ambulance staff trying to get people out. but something was off,in the chaos he saw a boy. A boy not so much older than him standing in the middle of the scene just watching. He seemed calm but panicked at the time,his hair was brown and his eyes were filled with tears that fell down his cheeks. Jungkook stood and watched him for a long time and saw how the guy frantically tried to make contact with the people around him,how he tried to reach out his hand and wipe his mothers tears but his hand just slipped through her.

The boy couldn't get contact with anyone of them because he was a ghost and no one could see ghosts..well almost everyone,that was until he met Jungkooks eyes.

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