Chapter 4

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It had been 2 days since he visited Taehyung's parents and sometimes he tried to help other so bad that he forgot himself. Jungkook was a caring person and also very good at hiding his emotions. No one actually knew a lot about him at all, everything they knew was that he saw ghosts and that was enough and made people afraid of him. A couple years ago he opened up about his special ability to his then close friend and instead of understanding he lost that friend the same day, since then he has been afraid to open up to people. Jungkook also had been depressed because of this because he needed friends, friends that understood and cared for him and most importantly didn't care about that he could see ghosts. He knew that it would be impossible, and some days were just tough for him and this day was no different.

He had been getting comments at school and rumors had spread about him being at Taehyung's house and everywhere he went people stared so he just put on his hoodie and kept his head down until he came home. Home where Taehyung himself decided to appear when he entered his room. Tears filled Jungkook's eyes as he collapsed on his bed, he rarely cried and this time he had been keeping everything inside of him for too long.

Taehyung - Hey, what's the problem?

Jungkook sat up and met Taehyungs worried eyes looking at him from across the room.

Jungkook - YOU, you are the problem Taehyung! Everyone already hates me because I'm not like them and then you appear and people make rumors when I'm only trying to help you.

Taehyung - I'm sorry... I didn't really plan on dying you know.


Taehyung - I see it, if I was alive I would've loved to be your friend.

Jungkook - would you?! So if you found out I could see ghosts you wouldn't be afraid of me and run away? huh, you would because that's what everyone else does.

Taehyung - I wouldn't and I wouldn't be afraid of you, the opposite I would find it fascinating. I would want to be able to do what you do.

Jungkook - I could switch with you any day!

Taehyung - You are way much better than everyone else, you want to know why? Because you help people regularly. Even though I'm not alive I can still be your friend.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung who stood in front of him and just like when they first met they didn't lose eye contact. For the first time someone didn't freak out when being near him and for the first time someone actually wanted to be his friend and right now he didn't care if Taehyung was a ghost, he needed that comfort. As he stood there in silence he felt himself being pushed into Taehyung, it was a weird feeling that was hard to explain. Taehyung was cold but it felt good on Jungkooks burning skin and for others, it would look like he hugged thin air. It felt like when a human hug you but colder and it should have been physically impossible so why could Taehyung do it? And the worst part was that it felt so right and Jungkook hadn't hugged anyone in years so this was something he didn't know he needed, but he did.

Jungkook spent the rest of the evening talking to Taehyung and he got to know that Taehyung loved children,he had one single eyelid and one dubble eyelid,he loved to act and always dreamt of becoming an actor. Jungkook also talked about how he felt and Taehyung listened until he eventually fell asleep and woke up the next and saw Taehyung sitting across the room with his back against the wall as he tried to grip a pencil but stopped when he realized Jungkook now was awake.

Taehyung - Hi, did I wake you up?

Jungkook - you didn't, why are you still here?

Taehyung - Well I found out ghosts can't sleep and besides, i didn't want to leave you.

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