Chapter 5

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Jimin and Jungkook grew a lot closer after Taehyung passed away and Jungkook enjoyed having a friend that was alive, no offense to Taehyung. They had started to hang out on regular basis watching movies, hang out during the days and even drinking together. This night Jungkook stayed over at Jimin's house because his parents were out of town and he had arranged a party that Jungkook was invited to.

Jungkook was anxious and thrashed around his closet to find something to wear but nothing seemed to be good enough.

Taehyung - If you want help you can just ask you know. Taehyung said as he appeared behind Jungkook.

Jungkook - No thank you, i can handle it! Jungkook said as he turned around ignoring Taehyung who rolled his eyes and leaned his back against the door.

After a few minutes, Jungkook sat in a pile of clothes pouting at Taehyung who found him extremely cute.

Taehyung - Okay that's it i will help you, here put this on. He shoved a shirt and pants in Jungkook hands and pushed him into the bathroom to change.

When Jungkook came out and looked at himself in the mirror he couldn't help but smile at how good he looked. He glanced at the clock and he was supposed to be at Jimins house in 15 minutes. He turned around smirking at Taehyung shoving off his clothes pretending to be a model.

Taehyung - You look sexy, now go or else Jimin will search for you.

Jungkook smiled and ran out the door. When he later arrived at Jimin's house it was filled with people and reminded him of the party taehyung attended the day he died. He pushed himself inside and located Jimin pretty fast in the middle of the living room chatting with a few friends of his holding a bottle of soju in his right hand.

Taehyung - Jimin is usually very sensitive when it comes to alcohol so keep an eye on him.

Jungkook moved towards Jimin and slung an arm around his shoulder.

Jimin - Jungkookie!

Jungkook could tell Jimin was already drunk and ever since Taehyung died Jimin had stopped caring about anything and used alcohol to numb his pain. He greeted Jimins friends before putting him on the couch to sit down and talk. In the middle of the talk Jimin put down his bottle of alochol and then turned to his other friends, Jungkook then took his chance and grabbed the bottle and went to the kitchen to pour it out in the sink. After he had poured out the soju he leaned his arms against the sink and looked at Jimin who had left the couch and was dancing with his friends making Jungkook chuckle. He stood for a while just looking around watching the unfamiliar faces and tried to make out which ones were ghosts and not until he got interrupted by a girl voice beside him. He moved his head towards the voice and saw a girl shorter than him, with black wavy hair and big brown eyes smiling at him. Jungkook looked around and then pointing at himself trying to be certain that she talked to him and no one else. She chuckled and nodded.

- You don't like parties either?

- Yeah,no i mean it's just so noisy and im sorry but why are you talking to me?

Taehyung - Jungkook she's being friendly.

the girl looked confused at Jungkook and almost looked a little offended.

- Im sorry...

Jungkook - Are you a ghost, if you are please just leave me alone for one night please.

- What? She almost made the same disgusting face as everyone else and Jungkook just wanted to get out of there so he did.

Jungkook - Im sorry im just gonna go and take some fresh air.

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