The Heart Attack that Never Came.

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"Thank you." I said to the cashier as I gathered my things to surprise my fiance on our three year anniversary.

Smiling to myself, as I walked out of the store, with all the ingredients to make my world famous lasagna. I wondered if he had arrived back from New Jersey as I knew he had just finished up his business meeting there. After about a ten minute drive to my apartment, I opened our front door knowing it shall certainly be a surprise to him.  I went to the kitchen to put away the ingredients but stopped abruptly when I heard sounds coming from my bed room.

"Zac" an unknown female moaned as though she was about to orgasm.

That had better be porn I thought to myself as I placed my groceries down. My heart began pounding so hard that I felt it through every vein in my body. I walked to my bedroom to inspect what the sound was only to hear one voice I could never mistake. My fiance.

"Jessica, I love you and I can't wait until we get married next month."

HA! I laughed in my mind, I felt sorry for this girl, and myself. More her than me though. I wondered where he would get enough money to have this 'wedding' when all of his expenses are paid for by me. I own the company he controls and I can make him go from living in Manhattan to living on the streets of Manhattan in a split second.

I opened the door as quietly as possible and it worked seeing that they didn't stop when I did.

" Oh hey, baby" I said calmly, with a bit of amusement laced in.

"Oh fuck!" they screamed simultaneously.

I smiled as I watched them hurry to put on their clothes. Only then I realized I knew this girl, his assistant. I chuckled, but coughed to cover it up.
I always knew she had a thing for him but I had no clue he reciprocated the feeling. Feeling very powerful at the moment as I realized then that I can not only fire my fiance but his little play thing as well.

As they finally put on all their clothes and stood before me watching me in fear. I decided to finally break the minute long silence.

" So you guys are going to get married next month?" I started "Am I invited to the wedding?" while playing with my engagement ring.

Zac's eyes bulged out as he realized I had heard his confession to Jessica and quickly decided to shake his head no rapidly. Jessica on the other hand smiled brightly, and said "Oh thank god, I thought you would have freaked out. But, yea you're totally invited."

I rolled my eyes at this girl's naivety.

"First of all,  you're fired, I know you're his assistant and co-worker relationships are against the organisation's policy." I smiled, "And before you say I can't fire you, I'll let you know I have sole ownership of your little boyfriend's business or did he forget to tell you that minor detail?"

They both swallowed hard knowing what their life looked like before they stepped into my organisation and how horrible it will look after.

"Please don't fire Jessica, she hasn't done anything wrong." Zac pleaded.

Ignoring him, I asked her "you knew before you came to work for me that he was my fiance, yes or no?"

"Yes" she whispered.

"Does your boyfriend know?" I quizzed, knowing the answer would be no.

"No" she said firmly.

"Look at that, two lying, cheating bitches." I spat.

"Jessica, get out of my apartment, my name is on the title," I turned to Zac "and you come, help me make dinner."

Jessica ran as fast as possible, while Zac look pleasantly surprised.

I smiled, Zac walked up to me hesitantly, and kissed my cheek. I wasted no time kneeing him in his balls.

"On second thought, you are fired as well."

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