Chapter 28 - Broken Trust

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Bradie and Shaun were unusually quiet today. We had spent the morning putting paper on the walls of the old band room and I don’t think either of them had said a word the whole time.

“Why are you both so quiet?” I asked when I came back into the room with a tray of spray paint in my hands.

“Kinda tired I suppose,” Bradie answered.

“Yeah, I didn’t get to bed ‘til three last night,” Shaun added.

They both looked extremely guilty. Something’s happened that I’m not allowed to know about.

“What’s really going on?” I questioned.

“N…nothing, we’re not allowed to be tired without you thinking we’re hiding something?” Bradie questioned nervousness showing in his voice.

I shrugged my shoulders, maybe they are just tired.

“I’m gonna get a drink, you guys want one?” I asked walking to the doorway.

They both nodded and I made my way to the kitchen.


“Okay, what did you do?” I questioned Bradie knowing it wasn’t tiredness that was keeping him from saying anything.

“What do you mean what did I do? You’re being silent too,” he pointed out.

“Yeah…” I agreed, “I’ll tell you what I did if you tell me what you did.”

“You go first,” he ordered.

I sighed, he better have done something worse.

“I told Brooke about Andy last night,” I confessed, “I didn’t tell her not to say anything, so I’m scared that she’s told people…”

“You what?!” he shouted obviously disapproving.

“I was upset, I didn’t think,” I explained, “it’s your turn now.”

“I…I told my dad last night…” he confessed barely loud enough for me to hear.

“About Andy?” I questioned.

He nodded. It looks like we both betrayed Andy’s trust.

“We’re both as bad as each other,” I said looking at the floor, “wait…your dad hasn’t said anything to Andy…”

“Nope, I thought he would’ve by now,” he replied, “I didn’t mean to say anything I was just so upset and it came out…”

“It’s okay, I know the feeling,” I assured him.


I stood outside the door, I heard their whole conversation. I wasn’t mad at them. I was mad at myself…What have I put my friends through? I can go to them when I’m upset by this stupid fucking illness. They had no one. They couldn’t go to me or each other because we’re all trying to assure ourselves that it’s okay. I have to tell my family tonight.

I stepped into the room casually like I hadn’t heard anything.

“Here,” I said throwing a bottle of water at each of them.

They were being quiet again pretending that they were “just tired”. I may as well call them out on it…

“I heard what you guys said,” I said casually picking up a can of spray paint.

The colour drained from both of their faces. They knew they had been caught.

“W…what do you mean?” Bradie questioned making out that he had no idea what I was talking about.

“I heard you guys, you know how Shaun told Brooke and you told your dad,” I answered him.

“Andy, we didn’t mean to,” Shaun started, “we just…”

“I know, you guys were upset, you needed to talk to someone, it’s okay,” I assured them.

“You really don’t mind?” Bradie was confused as to why I wasn’t angry at them, “I told dad, so you know he’s gonna want to talk to you about this…”

“Yeah, I’m gonna tell the family tonight…” I began.

“You don’t have to,” Bradie cut me off.

“I want to, okay,” I said spraying the wall, “I want Shaun to be there when I tell them too.”

“Me?” he asked confused, “won’t everyone like…yell at me for not saying anything sooner?”

“No, my family’s not like that, they’ll just be happy that you were there for me,” I reassured him, “can you be here?”

“Of course, brother,” he smiled.

“Great, you can babysit Ashley tonight then,” I added.

“What?!” he choked on his water.

“Well, after I’ve told everyone I think they’d want the baby out of the house for a bit,” I explained.

“But, I…” he looked completely freaked out.

“Don’t worry, I’ll tell you everything you need to know,” I assured him, he didn’t look too convinced.

We went on with painting the walls with ‘SOUL’ lyrics, getting it prepared for shooting tomorrow, but all I could think about is how to tell my family tonight…

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