7. Say Something

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Allegra and Tori sat on the couch eating skittles and watching reruns of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, laughing as they tried to toss the small candies in each other’s mouth.

“Can I stay forever?” Allegra whined, pulling one of the large fluffy white pillows to her chest, burying her face in it. “I haven’t had a chance to make my move on Liam!” she joked as Tori kicked her playfully.

“Would you like to come for the summer? There’s plenty of room here and I’m sure Matt and Ash would love to have you, maybe you can help out at Impact.” Tori observed her nails, they needed a paint job or something.

“Are you serious?” Allegra asked, her lips parted slightly, eyes searching Tori’s face for the hint of a joke.

“Yes, of course. I know it’s hard to be with mom.” Tori said, biting her lip. Although they were close, Victoria and her mother rarely truly got along. Her mother silently resented her for leaving and Tori had learned to just accept it. Her mother considered Tori’s life style in California frivolous and overly-glamorous. Sure, Cam and Tori had their fair share of nights out clubbing or partying but she took her job seriously, as did he. She had given up a lot in New York including a promising dance career, to gain more here in California and she wouldn’t exchange it for the world.

“Yes!” Allegra shrieked, leaping across the white couch and into Tori’s lap.

“Okay! We’ll talk to mom and you can fly out after graduation and prom.”

“Can I bring Liam to prom?” Allegra asked, her face serious.

“Ask him.” Tori joked as he sister pulled out her phone, typing a message.

“Dear Liam, I would like for you to come to my high school prom in New York City then right after that we can get married.” Allegra dictated while her fingers flew across the screen in a mock typing action. They laughed together and dictated ridiculous fake text messages to each of the boys as they gathered their things to drive to the airport.

"Dear Niall, you may be the scrawniest, but you're also the one who resembles a leprachaun the most. It's hot." Allegra joked and Tori laughed.

"Dear Louis, you're kind of an ass hole." She said, rolling her eyes. Allegra howled, smacking her hand on the kitchen counter. 


Most of the week passed quickly until Thursday when Tori realized that she hadn’t heard from Tanner in days. At her lunch break, she stopped in to her uncle’s office. It was the first day that the boys would be in studio all week and they were due any minute.

“Come on in, Tor.” He smiled up at her as she took a seat across from him.

“I was just wondering when I can start to tell people whats going on. I have to help Al figure out her summer plan, we were hoping that she could come here for the summer, give mom a break?” He was nodding his head as she spoke.

“She’s always welcome and she can probably even take your spot at the desk for a few months.” Tori had forgotten that she would have to give up her comfortable office chair and her color coded files and calendars. She frowned. “And as for telling people, we will get the final cut of the video this afternoon and it will be released tomorrow. So, the answer is tomorrow. The good thing is, you don’t have to notify too many people, they’ll see for themselves. right?” he chuckled, looking at the papers on his desk.

“Right.” She felt a tug in her chest. What if people felt betrayed that she didn’t tell them herself, especially Tanner, Allegra and her mother. She shook the thoughts out of her head, smiling at her uncle. “Okay, thanks! Let me know when the video comes through!” She said cheerily as she stood to leave.

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