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I was a trash
I always feel pressured and rush

They all put the blame on me
I ask them did i do wrong?

They replied you, you are too dumb! Can't you see you have bruises but your too numb.

I whispered silently you are the reason why im like this, you should be thankful cause im not easily to be piss. I always pray to him that you would change but all you do is to put me on a cage and blame, can't you see im a human? i do hurt but you think i feel none.

Gossips on my back they all spread like a wide fire

I ask myself do they hear my complain?

Im too terrified but like i expect it is

They throw me their things but something caught my attention

Its a shattered glass, it is lying beside me

I look at it i see a girl, she's too thin, she's too unstable

My eyes starts to watered all i know i was fine

But in the first place it wasn't, cause i was broke by the peoples voices who cross too much the line.


Untouched FeelingsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon