- imagine #20 //

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happy birthday fabi i hope you ate some cake and got some fantabulous gifts and ahxnsjs i love you hor here's some birthday fluff


"Fabi, come on. You know he didn't realize this mission was going to go over time."

Sighing with frustration you turned to Finn from the window looking out to the hangar.

"Finn, I know he saved your life and all, but I'm telling you, he messed up this time."

Shaking his head Finn, just briefly flailed his arms in the air.

"He couldn't have possibly known it was going to run this far over time, Fabi."

Crossing your arms you shook your head at Finn.

"Of course he knew, Finn. No mission involving the First Order ever takes less than 2 days."

Finn sighed as he watched you turn back to the window looking to the hangar, disappointment obvious in your eyes. He gently placed a hand on your shoulder as you turned back to meet his gaze.

"I was trying to be positive, but if you think that, I..." He sighed. "...I can't really stop you."

You shrugged with a faint grin to Finn, "It is what it is. ...We'll just celebrate another time. Just wish he wouldn't have made such a big deal about it."

"Well, you have Rey and I! I know it's not the same, but you know..."

Smiling, you lightly patted Finn on the back.

"I appreciate it. I'll see you tomorrow."

Waving a hand, Finn watched you walk down the hall.

"See you Fabi, happy birthday again!"

Turning back momentarily, you gave Finn a smile before you disappeared around the corner.

Returning to your quarters you glanced back at the hangar once again before punching in your code. With your hand just barely resting against the metal, you narrowed your eyes. You were hoping by some crazy chance that familiar X-Wing would be landing, Poe frantically climbing out of it mumbling apology after apology for almost missing your birthday. That would however require the mission ending early. Though you wanted to celebrate with him, you weren't selfish enough to want him home too early. It was better that he came home safely than on your birthday.

With a sigh you turned back to your blast doors and punched in the code, taking a step back they quickly slid open for you. The flowers Rey and Finn had gotten for you greeted you on the coffee table in the middle of your quarters. Your mouth curling at the side, you stepped in and started setting down your things.

It had truly been a great day for you. Even with Poe's team away on their mission, people had pulled together and thrown you a small party at lunch. Considering how swamped everyone was, you were more than happy to see they had remembered and tried to make it special for you. Rey and Finn of course put in extra effort, knowing you would be worried about Poe most of the day. They did succeed... at least partially.

Carefully plopping your duffle bag on the ground, you let out a huff as you looked to the clock.


Looking to your kitchenette, you eyed the small little cake Rey had attempted to make you. It was still your birthday, why not treat yourself to some sweets? As you shrugged off your jacket, you laid it on a chair in the dining area as you picked up the adorable little concoction from Rey.

Settling down onto your couch, you started digging into the little cake as you turned on the holopad, rewatching an older program. With your mouth full of cake, you snuggled further into the pillows.

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