- imagine #29 //

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ten thousand special! ~


You had kissed Poe Dameron five times, and five times... you hadn't minded.

The first time that you had kissed Poe Dameron, it was purely just to save your asses. Without that kiss, you both would've been spotted and taken in by the first order.

"What the hell are we looking for again?" You asked quietly so that your aunt Leia could hear you through the communicators. Poe was at your side, his face illuminated only by the moons and the torches that were placed around the planet.

"A tent," Poe responded before Leia could get the chance to. "Map to Luke Skywalker, duh. Keep up, Y/N." you rolled your eyes as Poe took off on a run, you following quickly at his heels.

It was a strange thing, looking for your very own father. No one knew- no one but Leia and Han- that you were a Skywalker, and they sure as hell didn't know that you were a trained Jedi. Especially your right hand man, Poe.

Poe stepped into a large hut where a man sat, a hood over his head. The wind was whipping sand up and into the hu, but he didn't seem to mind. His eyes met Poe's and then your own, and something in his face changed. He shared a look of remorse with you.

"Mr. Dameron. Y/N. I suppose you are here to collect the map?" The man asked in a low voice. Poe glanced over his shoulder at you, and then nodded his head. The man smiled and placed a drive of a holographic map into Poe's hands. Poe's dark eyes lit with excitement and finality, and he quickly thanked the man.

Thankfully, this all happened before shit hit the fan.

"Okay, okay. We need a plan," Poe said as blasters boomed and blared beyond you. The planet was lit with a fiery blaze of First Order fury, probably because they had just realized that the Resistance had acquired the map to Luke Skywalker first. They would certainly stop at nothing to find it, and the First Order was proving that statement to be true. "Let's make a run for it."

Before Poe could jump to his feet and head off on a mad chicken run back to the ship, you grasped tightly onto his arm. His eyes met your own, and he saw how scared you were. You were part of the Resistance! Your fear was not normal.

"Y/N, c'mon. We have to go." You shook your head.

"We can't. If I get caught then... I can't explain it, you just have to trust me, okay?" Poe furrowed his eyebrows inquisitively. "Please." Poe nodded. His trust lied so deeply in you, and it would never falter. Not this day at least.

"Okay, then do you have another plan?" Poe asked quite loudly, as the fiery booms of blasters was growing louder and stronger. You thought for a moment, bottom lip between your teeth. What makes people so uncomfortable that they wouldn't even think to look twice?

"Kiss me," you simply stated, and Poe's eyes went wide as confusion struck him. He was stuttering and blubbering over protests and questions and excuses, but you just shook your head. "No, listen. Public displays of affection make people feel uncomfortable and they won't even look at us more than once."

"Y/N, it's the First Order, not some people down at the shops," Poe protested as he crouched down next to you. You rolled your eyes.

"Kiss, shoot, run, repeat. Got it?" Poe drew in a sharp breath, as though he was going to reciprocate, but then he stopped and agreed with a curt nod. "Good. Now kiss me because they're coming over here." You reached for the collar of his jacket, and as you did so, Poe's eyes were still questioning you. Was this really a good idea?

Poe said to hell with it; if you thought it would work, it definitely would. He quickly embraced you in a kiss, and to make it more believable, your fingers ruffled through the dark curls on top of his head.

FLYBOY_ POE DAMERON IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now