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Let me tell you a story.

The history of the world is written by blood and sacrifice. Constantly at war with itself and calamities being unleashed.

Even the gods are always at war with each other. Monster's roam free without restraint, the races of the world constantly committing sins against each other.

Throughout the pain and suffering, even the biblical God does nothing to ease the world's suffering. He's chosen to go to war against his own son, Lucifer. After Lucifer rally the demons of hell to his cause, he too went to war against his father. Throughout the war, the Underworld was the home of the devil race, but it was also the home of the Fallen Angel's faction, Grigori, led by Azazel.

It became a 3 way war between the biblical factions. The war went on for years, but in the the fires of war, love was able to bloom.

A beautiful woman was exploring the world, but encountered a wounded fallen angel. She took him to a abandoned home in the human world and nurtured him back to health. He was grateful for her aid but had to go back too his comrades back in the war.

It was then their relationship began to grow to the point were they escaped the war and lived together in a quiet life. Then the truth about who the woman was came forth, but instead of hatred and rejection, their love grew stronger than ever. There love brought forth a boy who was growing stronger as the years passed the family.

But all good things eventually come to a end.

The biblical factions found out about the family and hunted them down. The father, who was a Cadre and very skilled warrior, held the 3 factions off as his wife and son escaped. After a long battle, the father was slain. The boy felt his father's death and wanted revenge, but his mother kept him from falling into despair, and he help her as well.

A few years had pass since the father's death. The mother and son had left the human world and lived in their true home.


Satan, despite his rage for his daughters actions, welcomed his child and grandson with open arms. They lived together for a few years until the Devil's found them.

Lucifer knew that he couldn't fight Satan. So he had his greatest assassin's sneak into Hell to finish the job the 3 factions started years ago. That day was the last day of the mothers life.

It was also the day where the monster was fully unleashed upon the world.

The son had no one to hold back his rage. Even his grandfather wanted blood. So together they took their generals and joined the war.

It quickly became clear when Satan and his grandson join the war, no one was safe. They, along with their generals, decimated the 3 factions to the point where the 3 factions actually stood together against the new foe.

But even then that was enough to stop Satan's rage. But unfortunately their war was halted by 2 mighty dragons. They were so strong that only God and Satan could fight them

In the end, Heaven lost their father. The Devil's lost their Maou's to the Grandson of Satan. Grigori left the war when they were weakened considerably. But the grandson lost his only family left.

Satan died with a satisfied smile on his face. He died fighting and knowing that his legacy would continue on in his grandson.

The young man went on a rampage that day and forced the remaining foes into retreat. His rage forced the war between the 3 factions to be forcibly ended. After he regained some Semblance of his sanity, he and his generals returned to Hell.

Years have passed since the final battle. The new Maou's, who were the offspring of the old Maou's, wanted to have Hell in there service and sent many representatives to speak to Hell's king. But each one was sent back with fear in their eyes, telling their masters that the king of Hell wouldn't bow to them and stated that if they have a problem with that...

Then bring it B****!

This didn't sit well with the Maou's and they personally went, with there forces, to Hell to make its king there slave. Their arrogance made them forget just who was currently the King of Hell. The 4 Maou's where sent back with a very small entourage of guards that survived on a mere whim.

More years passed and the Anti-Satan faction had won their civil war with the old Satan faction. With the newly crowned Maou's, the underworld went through a 'reconditioning' of a sorts and the Underworld slowly started to change. One of the Maou's, Ajuka Beelzebub, created the evil piece system. A system of reincarnation of beings and turning them into devil's, bound to the 1 who reincarnated them.

No one knew that one set of Evil pieces were missing.

In time it was declared that Sirzech Lucifer, formerly known as Sirzech Gremory, was the strongest Devil alive. But Sirzech knew better then most that the strongest was sitting on Hell's throne. So in some weird form of stupidity, the 4 Maou's went to Hell and Sirzech challenged it's king.

It was a miracle that Sirzech survived his injuries, along with his 3 friends.

When the 4 Maou's return with ill tidings of their defeat, the underworld was in a state of panic at the thought that there leaders were incapable of even slowing down the king of Hell. After the shattered pride and broken bodies of the 4 Maou's recovered, they tried to form a alliance with Hell. It was quickly discovered that Hell didn't care what happened to the Underworld and now the Underworld stayed clear of the denizens of Hell.

Many years have passed since then and the Underworld hasn't changed that much except for the Maou's attitudes.

Falbium was a lazy devil who wanted to sleep.

Ajuka was constantly in his lab.

Serafall was now a die hard magical girl with a yuri fetish for her younger sister.

Sirzech was a sis-con who spoiled his sister way to much.

In fact Sirzech spoiled her so much that when she asked for him to give her the strongest Devil alive to have in her peerage, he almost tried to do that. But after a brief moment of clarity he remembered what happened to him the first time he tried to best Hell's king and quickly denied his sisters demand.

After the defeat of the 4 Maou's of each generation by the hand of the king of Hell, the king became quite the alpha male to females of most race's. Only a small number actually have gotten close to the king.

Serafall Leviathan herself had tried to make a claim on him but she was kicked out of Hell before she couldn't even prepose the question to him.

The king of Hell didn't give a damn on the Underworld or the angel factions. His rage towards the 3 factions had decrease to a certain level. Despite his heritage, his loyalty was to himself and his duty was to Hell and his new family. The factions of the world believed that his time as king was coming to a end since he was Hell's king since the end of the great war centuries ago.

His answer to them all?

"My story is only beginning."

My name is Y/N Satan.

And this is my Story.

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