04 - My Heart's Melting, It's Like Ice Cream

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"Cupid? Hello?" I ask out in the open air

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"Cupid? Hello?" I ask out in the open air.

It was a day after the whole candle lit incident and he had taken me to the local park, just for him to leave me by myself. Maybe I could make another mad dash. But, then again I valued my life.

"Eros, my name is Eros. It's not that hard, I think even you can manage to say it," I hear his voice say from behind me.

I turn around to see him holding two waffle cones. I stare at the colorful ice cream he's holding. Ice cream is a gift from the gods, none of that gelato and frozen yogurt stuff will ever compare.

"Not for you," he grumbles.

The moment I'm about to reply he's out of sight again and talking to a girl ahead. The girl looks to be around my age and has a cheery face. Eros has a large smile and passes the cone to her, hugging her before he walks back to me with his a serious face.

"We came to the park so you could hit on girls?" I ask with a sneer.

"No, we came so I could teach you the ways of a matchmaker," he replies back with his emotionless tone.

"By giving a girl an ice cream?" I reply back with an imitation of his monotonous voice.

"Shhhhh," he says quietly.

"He-" I begin to say just for a hand to cover my mouth.

His eyes gesture back to the girl but this time she's on the bridge over the pond, her waffle cone in one hand. I watch as she walks and then sees the wind pick up her necklace from around her neck, the necklace moves towards the water. She turns around and looks frantic and a second passes before I hear a splash. A guy is swimming in the pond and retrieves the fallen necklace, walking out of the pond drenched. She runs towards him and hugs him, his eyes stuck on her like he's had a crush on her since childhood.

"What the hell just happened?" I question under my breath.

"Cupid happened," I hear Eros say confidently.

"But, what, you, I-" I stammer.

"I didn't give her the ice cream for the heck of it. I gave it to her for free and asked her for a hug in return and she agreed. As I wrapped my hands around her I loosened her necklace," he says to me like he's speaking to a child.

"I thought Cupid just shoots arrows and people end up together, I didn't think that Cupid actually gets physically involved."

"Well then you don't know Cupid at all," he replies back.

I look back at the two and the guy is placing the necklace back around her neck, his eyes still stuck on her.

"How did you know that he would jump in and retrieve it?" I ask dumb-folded.

"I didn't. I just saw that he's been having little glances at her," he replies back and begins to lick his own ice cream.

Cupid relies on luck, he's just a lucky asshole that happens to make the right matches.

If being Cupid is all based on luck... I'm doomed because I'm not the luckiest of folks.

I push my thoughts to the side and see no Eros at my side anymore. I've gotten spacier since encountering him. It's been only a couple days since we met and I've already lost him numerous times. Either he needs a chip so I can locate him or I need to not be so caught up in my head.

It's insanely hot and I felt myself beginning to sweat, heat and I were not friends. I do not feel like playing hide and seek with Eros in this unbearable weather.

Well, if I'm going to be melting away in the sun I deserve at least some ice cream.

I begin to turn around and walk towards a food truck that sells an arrangement of ice cream just to see a large huddle in front of the truck. It's an awfully busy day for the truck, but hopefully, the wait would be worth it.

I push my way through the crowd just to find myself running into the back of somebody.

"I'm sorry, please excuse me," I say and continue to walk.

Before I can completely move I feel a hand on my shoulder and I get pulled around to face all too familiar blue eyes.

"Orion? I thought I told you to wait over at the playset," Eros says loudly, trying to speak through the external noise.

Wait? Playset?

I give him a confused look and he just simply grabs my wrist in order to pull me away from the crowded area.

"I told you to wait by the bridge and playset, that I would be back in five," he explains.

"Oh... Yeah," I say going with it, not wanting him to think that I'm a complete idiot.

I must not have heard what he said due to my spacing out, okay note to self is to stop being so spacey.

"You're such an airhead sometimes... Anyway, I'll be back in a minute. Hope you can manage and wait here for one minute," he says before beginning to walk back to the ice cream truck.

"Wait one minute!" I hear him yell from around the corner of the truck.

I wait where I'm told and look back to the pond, the necklace girl and the boy are still there. They're sitting on the grass and are laughing the daylight away.

"I can ensure happiness for them in their future," I hear Eros say from behind me, his voice startling me.

I look and see he's back with a new ice cream cone.

"Cupid's such a fatty isn't he?" I tease.

He gives me a look and rolls his eyes.

"Idiot, this is for you."

I give a glance at him; he seems to be telling the truth. I take the cone from him and wait a moment before licking; he could have put a bomb in it for all I know.

After a moment and from the pressure of his eyes staring at me, I take a lick.

Cookie and Cream ice cream, my favorite.

"This is my favorite flavor... How'd you know?" I ask as I continue to taste heaven itself.

"I'm a lucky asshole," he replies back with a shrug.

"You sure are," I murmur into the treat.


"The ice cream's delicious. Thanks for not being a douche 24/7," I reply back and give him a smile.

He doesn't say anything back and I think I see his lips curl into a small smile for a split second.

He would be a lot more handsome if he wore a smile rather than a scowl every day. But, for now, I would take this small warm gesture. It was a start and just maybe I would see his smile grow larger and come more often by the days.

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