05 - Strangers Are Strangers Until They Meet

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I had a week, one week to match my first couple

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I had a week, one week to match my first couple.

Last night after we arrived at my house Eros yelled through the car window that I had one week to match a couple. That I'd have seven days to see if I could pair two without any of his help. He said it would be a test of my skill and if I had any.

I truly wanted to succeed in matching a couple in the given time. Maybe if I succeeded it would give me some respect from him. Plus, I wouldn't like a lecture on how to set people up. I already have school to lecture me, I don't need Eros to lecture me also.

Then I found them.

It was Thursday when I saw them, it was an odd pairing but my heart knew it was true love between the two. They just simply didn't know it yet.

I was in chemistry when I saw the two; they sat at two opposing sides. To be honest the feeling I assumed was of sighting a match made in heaven did not appear, at first. Then I saw the shy stares he made at her and her arrogant remarks to him as he walked by. It was love at its finest, well at least that was what it ought to be.

Kyle Grant and Audra Patton, the fated lovers.

At the bell I ran out the door and picked up my phone, dialing Eros number.

I had acquired his number rather easily; he just made me promise I'd only call when necessary. He didn't want his 'precious' time wasted.

The phone rang until I heard a shuffle of noises.

"What do you want..." his voice said and almost in a raspy drowsy way.

It was nearly noon and he was just now waking up, such a bum.

"I found them," I exclaimed into the small cellular device.

"Found who?"

"You know, my first pairing."

A wave of silence passes and then I hear him yawn.

"Are they together?"

"No, not yet but-" I begin to say just to be interrupted.

"Then do something rather than wasting both mine and your time, my precious sleeping time..." he murmurs back.

Precious sleep my ass.

And before I could mutter a response I heard three beeps, he had hung up.

All I needed is to tell myself some words of encouragement because surely Eros wouldn't dare to ever. Words such as:

You can do it!

It's easier than taking candy from a baby...

If you succeed maybe you'll see a dumbfounded Cupid.

But, really what was I supposed to do? Stalk Kyle and casually run into him at his work then ask if he'll go on a date with me to Fall Fest, but not actually meet up and then he runs into Audra who also got ditched...

"I'm a fucking genius," I say quietly and slam my locker shut and run off to my last class of the day.

* * *

I was currently at a little coffee shop downtown; somehow I had brought myself to Kyle's workplace. I had my way and may have found out where he worked by social media.

Creepy? Maybe.

When I arrived there was only one barista at the counter, a red-headed girl. I quickly ordered a latte and then made my way to a table near the window. It was once I was seated when I heard the door chime and reveal Kyle.

As he got to work I hid behind a newspaper. I'd peek at Kyle ever so often in a casual manner.

He was cute, always have a smile, was funny, maybe this would be easier than I assum-

"What are you doing?" I hear a deeply accented voice ask, a pair of hands bringing the newspaper down.

Accented in an English way.

The owner of the hands wore an apron with powders and whip cream stains, he had his brown hair tousled in a messy direction. His brown eyes were interlocked with my blue ones.

"Nothing much, just reading about..." I squinted my eyes and read the first heading I saw. "Stocks, U.S. Stocks."

He gave me a questionable look and pulled up a chair, sitting in it backwards.

"Bullshit," he says rather boldly and added a smirk.

"Excuse me?"

"If I am correct I believe that you're checking your sights, on Kyle my boy right about..." he says trailing off and then tilts his head to the barista ledge, "there."

He has the smirk plastered on his face and I pick up the newspaper once more.

"Don't you have a job you should be doing," I say matter-of-factly.

"Break time."

I roll my eyes behind the thickly stacked post, hoping he had walked away. I wait a spell to peer to the side of the paper to see the same brown-eyed guy.

"Still on break," he says with a coy smirk.

"I'm not interested in your boy," I say to fix the misinterpretation.

He gives me a raised eyebrow and stares.

"Then could your sight if interest be currently before your eyes?" he asks, moving him closer to me.

I scoff, sip my latte, and then 'accidentally' spill the cup. The cup's remains flow onto the table and floor.

"What a shame of a good cup, barista boy would you mind wiping this up before others slip in the mess," I say with a big grin growing on my face.

I could be a real pain in the ass sometimes. I mean other than being a fated matchmaker.

He gets up and turns the chair around, grabs a towel from his apron and begins to clean up.

I take this chance to take one last glance at Kyle and begin to walk out the door. I guess today wouldn't be the day I had a chat with Kyle.

"Your name?" he asks out loudly, "I'd like to know the name of the girl who accepted my company."

I stop for a moment and turn towards him, Kyle's staring now. His eyes are staring at the sight in front of him.


As I walked out I heard the same voice yell.

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you, Orion, I'm Aston."

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