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Max had just moved in to his new home after being ripped away from Australia. He still doesn't know why his parents thought it would be good for anyone to be cut off from their friends, family, and placed in a whole new country.

He looked at the clock, it read 12:34 am and had a little shaking clock symbol above it indicating an alarm was set. "Why has god cursed me with this bullshit insomnia," Max groaned under his breath. He layed on his back and sighed, knowing very well tommorow was is first day in his new highschool and that morning would hit him like bitch at 7:00am.

Something in Max insisted on staying up on his phone for even longer. His friends back in Australia were currently in school, so it was just Max, his thoughts, and the internet. After practically passing out at 2am, Max felt the light filter through his window blinds. He scrunched his nose and covered his face with blankets but to be rudely awakened again by the obnoxious beeping of the alarm clock.

Max groaned and tried to hit the snooze button, but missing with every try. After about 2mins of straight beeping and him lazily smashing the alarm clock to find the snooze, Max was fed up and just threw the whole thing across the room. "Welp, I guess I'll need a new alarm clock," he said as he looked at the now dented clock at the foot of his bed. He sighed and tried to get more sleep...


Ian turned off his phone alarm and sat up slouching. He grabbed his glasses after rubbing his eyes and groaning at the bright sun peering through the curtains of his window. Ian sat there trying to gain strength and finally walked over to the bathroom to take a piss. Splashing his face with cold water was a sudden but powerful jolt of energy to wake him up more.

Walking out of his bedroom was like a maze guiding through all the unpacked boxes from the move. When he was in the hallway he immediately tripped and fell over a box, getting up cursing under his breath and kicked the box before moving on. Ian was still annoyed at his mom for moving him to a new town away from his friends, but got over it quickly after a bowl of cereal.

He got dressed and was ready for the day, but it was still quite early so decided to walk around the neighborhood to get to know the place. While getting his stuff ready, he felt suddenly alone and different. Used to his mother greeting him, he felt even more annoyed at the fact of his mom's new job asking her to come earlier.

But after getting Ian's bag prepped he grabbed his trusty skateboard and took off riding around the his new home. Ian loved the feeling he got while riding on his skateboard, having the cool breeze glide through his brown short hair and the warmth of the earlier morning sun apun his face, turning his cheeks pink with happiness.

Ian soon found a community pool, and a boardwalk that goes into a lush beautiful forest. Even though the urge to explore the greenery was intense, Ian new that he didn't have time and started to head back to his house.

When he got to the house and new where he was, he decided it was time to head to school. Ian was of course weary, not having one person he knows was disappointing to him. Before he got onto the main street Ian heard yelling coming from a near by house followed by a man looking similar in age run outside of the house sloppily jogging to the same street.

He sighed hoping he wasn't going to the same school. "Great, if that how ever one acts at this school I'll never make a friend," Ian liked being a well behaved, straight A's student, so someone like who he just saw running in the same direction seemed like the complete opposite. 


Feeling a voilent shake Max flug his eyes open and sat up plastered with confusion. He saw his mom yelling that it's 8 and that he'll be late for school. Max honestly didnt care, but to make the yelling stop he hastily got dressed and ate. Shoving all his books willy nilly into his worn bookbag and running outside with his mom yelling about some bullshit.

"Jeez, I don't want to look like a complete fuck up so I better make it to school on time," Max wheezed between breathes picking up speed trying to get to school as fast as possible.

Luckily Max made it in class just as the bell rang, and picked a random seat. "Math, great," he wasn't one to enjoy math at all, so he pretty much just doodled in his notebook. The teacher noticed Max's slacking behavior and decided to call him out.

He new exactly what the teacher was trying to do though. Even though Max seemed like some dumb ass slacker, he really did have a brain. He just decides when to use it, like to get him out of situations like this.

The teacher called him up to answer a question on the board, Max knowing exactly what the answer simply wrote it down and sat down again. The teacher seemed a shocked and annoyed at the fact of assuming Max's abilities.
He just smirked at the teachers reaction and went back to his thoughts.

So I wanted to add more to this chapter but I'm going to save it for ch 2 instead because I want this story to have way more plot then my last story did, soooo watch out for ch 2

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