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It's 3 fucking am and I've been working on this chapter for about 4 days now, and I'm tired and it needs to be published so I did not proof read, just a warning

Max was abruptly awoken by a voilent shaking. "Wha—What... The fuck," he rubbed his tired eyes and looked around. Not recognizing his room, Max immediately sat up.

Ian was standing on the side of the bed shaking his shoulders, Max looks at him trying to regain his memory. Finally remembering their talks he lights up and smiles at Ian.

"Good morning"  Max said stretching out his arms yawning. Ian smiles gently and says good morning back. They chatted while eating before Max had to run back to his house.

As Max jogged across the street to his house, he saw his mom's car was gone. It didn't surprise him much though, she was on a job search so earlier and earlier his mom would be gone.

Max unlocked the front door and trotted in to his room. All through out getting dressed, brushing his teeth, and gathering his book bag, Max couldn't help but keep going back to him and Ian's cuddling.

The thought made him smile and oddly made him happy. A happy he didn't knew existed untill he met Ian, Jeez I'm acting gay...

Max pondered for a second before hearing a loud knock on the door followed by Ian's voice. "Hey Max! It's Ian," "Come in it's unlocked!" He replies.

Ian finds Max sitting in his room fiddling with his phone. "Hey, so you ready for school?" Ian plopped down next to him skateboard in hand, He nodded in reply.

Max was so use to getting almost no sleep, so he seemed as bright and chip as ever. Ian on the other hand never had stayed up so late and was slowly, skateboarding down the sidewalk.

Max had to catch Ian a couple of times, when he started to lose balance. On the way to school they past by a gas station and Max ran in. "Where you going? Hey! Max, we're going to be late!!" Ian tried catching up but was too tired to run.

Max walks into the gas station and sees a little coffee making area, "Bingo." He walks over and starts making too cups, taking out the cheap styrofoam cups.

Once the too coffee's were made, Max brought them up to the counter and paid for them. Walking back out to see Ian leaning on the side of the gas station. He looked utterly drained of any life force, but still was pleasant to see.

"Here, you'll need it." Max says handing the one of the warm cups over to Ian. He grabbed it blinking and looking up to Max making eye contact. "Uh—Thanks, how much do I owe ya," Ian started to fiddle with his back pocket bringing out a wallet.

"No, no. I got it," Ian seemed about to inject but instead put the wallet away and sipped on the coffee. "Ugh, It's not the best but it'll do," Max giggled. Ian's annoying tone was funny, it was almost a mixture of sarcasm and real anger.

"Well speaking that I got it from a gas station, you shouldn't expect much!" Ian smiled. The life force was slowly being regained with the help of caffeine.

Before they new it Max and Ian arrived to their school. He felt sad about having to go their separate ways to class, but they said their goodbyes and headed off.

Max was lost in the sea of classes, and by the time he finally found his 1st period it was already five after the bell. Luckily it was only the second day of highschool so Max didn't have to deal with a tardy. He got out his stuff and started the day.


Ian was awfully bored in social studies, and even though he did have coffee right before school, Ian couldn't help but feel his eyelids start to get heavy. Starting to fall off his hand, which was the only thing propping him up, Ian snapped up and wiped the bit of drool off his face.

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