Chapter 6

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Bankotsu POV:
We could see a medium sized village through the trees.
The lord of the area had heard that this particular village was wanting to rebel against the lord and own their own land or whatever.
He didn't take too kindly to the rumors and decided to take action and hire a mercenary group to deal with the rebellious village.
He had hired us.
How unfortunate to the village. I smirked.
"Alright men, we're approaching the village. The lord of this region wants us to kill everyone and burn this place to the fucking ground."
"How many people do we get to kill?!" Jakotsu asked happily.
I smirked again.
"A lot."
I glanced over at Catya. She was looking at me like a lost puppy who had just found her master, just waiting for the next set of orders.
"Alright, so we know they have weapons so expect a bit of resistance. Mukotsu, you take out anyone that will try to hide. The lord wants anyone and everyone dead."
I look over to Kyōkotsu and Ginkotsu.
"I want you two to go to the back of the village and begin destroying. Take out the weaker part of their army."
I turn my attention to Renkotsu, Suikotsu and Jakotsu.
"Renkotsu, you will come in from the east, Suikotsu you will be coming in from the left, Jakotsu and myself will head for the village entrance. The guards will see us and send their strongest warriors to fight us. Do not wait for a signal. I want you all to go bat shit crazy so the second you are close to the village attack. And I'll say this once more, no one escapes. Kill everyone you see. Now go!"
And with that everyone took off in the designated direction.
I turn to Catya as she patiently waited for me to tell her what to do.
"You kitty-cat, will stay outside of the village and away from anyone. Oh and if you try to run or get in our way, I'll kill you."
She blinked than nodded her head.
'Good girl. Smart girl' I thought to myself as I turned around and took off to meet up with Jakotsu.
Jakotsu and I walked up to the entrance of the village. The men did exactly what I had predicted and sent forward about 10 of their strongest men.
One swipe from Banryu and Jakotsu sword and they all dropped dead.
We laughed.
"Is that the best this village has to offer?!" I laugh again.
"How pathetic!" Jakotsu said.
That's when all hell broke lose.
Fire and explorations.
People screaming and running all over the place.
We did what we did best, kill. I flung my dragon hammer and destroyed half the village. I place Banryu on my shoulder and watched my comrades viciously slaughter any fool that dared to cross blades with us or run away.
I had blood splattered on me. I looked at my hands. They were stained blood red and I loved it. This feeling was not like any other. I loved the pathetic looks of mercy from my victims.
Just as we finished killing everyone and burning the village to the ground, the samurai from the lord who hired us came into view.
"Is that the leader?" Renkotsu asked.
"Yeah" I said as I began walking to the small group.
The leader hopped off his horse and started walking towards us. As soon as he started so did I until we met in the middle of the battlefield.
"Is the job done? Have you and your comrades killed everyone as instructed?" He said.
"We did our part of this plan, now it's time for yours. Do you have our money?" I said to him.
He gave me a semi heavy sack that was filled his our reward money. I smiled greedily and looked at the leader. We both exchanged a mutual head nod and turned to our specific groups.
I look over at Catya. She hadn't moved an inch since I told her to stay put. She was watching me in awe. A light blush across her cheeks and one hand clutching her chest and the other pressed between thighs.
"Catya! Come" I shout to her.
'Guess seducing her won't be much of a challenge.' I thought to myself as I lustfully watched her run over to me.
Her legs were mostly covered in mysterious bandages except the tops of her thighs. I could only see an inch or two of her satin, looking ivory skin between the bandages and my haori.
Two long lavender braids bouncing up and down by her side. The red obi wrapped so perfectly around her waist. She was skinny, almost to the point of starvation but at the same time she had a curvy figure.
Her eyes were something else. One eye was this rich, beautiful emerald green color, but the other eye...
Blood red.
Her eyes were the first thing I saw in that field.
Everything was dark, only the light of the moon guided us.
Yet, I saw them.
Those glowing orbs. Watching me, studying me. It gave a chill down my spine thinking of her eyes that night. Her pupils were slits. Like a cat or demon.
I sighed.
"Kyōkotsu! Here."
I toss the money to him for safe keeping.
"Where to now big brother?" Renkotsu asked.
"Lets find ourselves a tavern and drink till we can't stand!" I say with a big grin.
As we begin to walk away from the burnt down village Jakotsu started yelling at Catya.
I turn to see what the commotion was when two arrows narrowly passed both Jakotsu and Catya.
Catya quickly points out where the arrows came from. As soon as I looked, an arrow shot out from behind some trees.
I easily dodged the wooden arrow.
Both Suikotsu and Catya ran over to where the arrows were shooting from.
"Which one of you jackasses left a survivor?!" I say turning to the other members.
Everyone shrugged not knowing.
That's when I heard a man scream..silence...than scream again.
My curiosity got the better of me and I went to check out what was taking them so long.
"What's going on?!" I yell to them.
Once I get to the area they are at I'm surprised at what I saw.
Suikotsu was standing on the man's hands, pinning him down as Catya began cutting into the cuts Suikotsu made.
Catya has such an innocent face. Even as she was digging into this man's back viscously, she still had a sweet, innocent smile. I was taken back from it but once I came back, I smirked.
What a interesting girl.
I watched as the man screamed and struggled.
"I really like your eyes." She said in a happy voice.
"They're such a nice brown color! Like an oak tree!" She giggled. Her giggle was such a light and sweet sound, than she went dark. Her pupils had turned back into slits.
"I want them."
"Please no! I beg of you! Have mercy!!" The man screamed as she dug her bandages cover thumbs into the man's eyes and pop them out.
She stood up. With a satisfied smile holding the man's eyes in her blood covered hands, she looked up at Suikotsu.
"Thank you! I'm all done!"
Without hesitation he delivered the final blow to the dying man. 
"So what exactly are you planning on doing with those?" I say to her hinting to the eyeballs.
"I think I can clean them?" She says with a confused look on her face.
"Maybe I can come up with a mixture that can put a coating around them to keep your new treasure from rotting." Mukotsu said.
"Oh yes yes!" She says with a big smile.
I let out a light chuckle.
"Let's go. I need a drink." I say walking away.

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