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Chapter One.

It's three-thirty in the morning when Jimmy, a 16-year-old boy, wakes up from a nightmare he has been having for the past week and a half. It all starts like any other dream. Jimmy finds himself in a field with a carnival going on. Jimmy is walking along when, suddenly, he sees his step-dad, Mich. Mich has been trying to kill Jimmy for putting him in prison. Jimmy starts to run through the crowd. He runs and runs, when he suddenly realizes something. He realizes that he isn't going anywhere because he is stuck in a field of tar.

Then when Jimmy sees his step-dad running towards him he starts to scream because he knows he's dead, but when he thinks he is going to die he wakes up right before his step-dad gets to the tar.

Jimmy walks downstairs Monday morning after another sleepless night. It was no thanks to the nightmare that he has been having for almost two weeks now. When Jimmy walks into the kitchen he sits down for breaksfast with his mother who has been through hell and back and then some but she still is there for Jimmy.

Sarah looks at her son and says, "Rough night?"

Jimmy nods half asleep and says, "It was that stupid nightmare again. Why does it have to happen over and over again?"

Sarah looked at her son worried but says, "It's just a dream sweetie that's all it is."

Jimmy replies, "I know, but it seems so real and when I run through the tar it feels as if I'm trapped in real life." Sarah hands Jimmy his plates of eggs and bacon and sits down beside him with coffee.

Afterwards Jimmy heads off towards school where he was in his sophomore year of high school but he faced another problem. A kid named Larry was the school bully and his favorite kid to bully was Jimmy. Jimmy wasn't looking forward to school but he had to go because of his perfect attendance.

Jimmy was really good at being on time but today he was running a little late because he was so tired. Luckily he made his first period right before the bell rang. Johnny, Jimmy's bestfriend, was in all of Jimmy's calsses but one and that was gym. Jimmy loved his first class because it was a movie genre class and you got to watch movies. So Jimmy could sleep throught the class. Hardly anybody stayed awake in that class because it was an easy A class, but Shane a nerd stays awake and watches the movie. Thats just him though.

Jimmy was asleep and had a nightmare again but it was different. It was his other step-dad getting out of jail to seek revenge on Jimmy for what he had done to him. When the bell rang Jimmy woke up with a start because that dream he had wasnt like the dreams he had before. It was real and he was scared out of his mind. When he was through third period he went to the office to call his mom because he knew if Seth was out of jail his mother would be notified.

Sarah answered the phone, "Hello?"

Jimmy asked, "Mom its me. Have u gotten a call saying Seth was out of jail?"

Sarah didn't answer ay first and then said, "Yeah hun. He got released just a couple of hours ago and how did you know?"

Jimmy explained the vision to his mom and asked her whats going on?

Sarah told her son, "Jimmy this is serious you need to go see someone about this because if this dream or vision is true what about the other one? I'm pulling you from school."

Jimmy knew he didnt like it but it was what needed to happen so it was okay. But Jimmy doesn't like his perfect attendance being ruined.

Sarah arrived ten minutes later at the school and picked up Jimmy to take him to see someone. Little did they know, the person that they would see would be an evil being trying to make Sarah think Jimmy was crazy and needed to be locked away forever. Will that ever happen to the fammily that has been through hell?

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