change of events

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Jimmy was scared out of his mind, because he agreed to what the therapist asked him to do, which was go to a place that triggers very intense memories. Jimmy was going to tell his mother where he was going, but decided not to. Earlier that morning Jimmy was getting ready to go to the park but it wasn't going to be a friendly visit to the park. He was going to the place where one of his step-dads and he went.

Sarah was leaving to go to work, and Jimmy was going to the park. Jimmy was getting his bike out and was doing something he really didn't want to do. He knew it would make the nightmares worse. He arrived at the park just a little after eight, but when he got there it was like going back in time.

Jimmy was starting to remember the times he had here some were fun; others were not. So Jimmy continued to walk around and remember. After about ten minutes he stopped at a little cave that he hadn't been there since he was little. Jimmy walked in the cave and then he had a chill like somebody or something was watching him. He looked around frantically searching but nothing was there. Maybe he was just getting paranoid. The last time he was here it was a horrible experience for him, but he needed to live past his fears. That is why he was here, but it was becoming worse and he was becoming even more paranoid the longer he sat there.

Finally he pulled out the tape cassette and headphones that his therapist gave him, and had specific instructions on them to what he had to do. After about an hour or so he left shaking with fear looking over his shoulder with the memory. He had to remember the painful beating he concurred as a child. While he was walking home, he stopped at a local malt shop to try and clear his mind. He sat in a corner booth away from everybody. The waitress took his order and five minutes later she came back with a milkshake. After a free refill he payed the bill and left. Jimmy kept looking over his shoulder because he still hadn't cleared his head, but he thought it was best.

Well he finally got home, after what seemed like forever, and opened the door and a undercover cop car was outside his house he walked inside. He saw his mother sitting in the living room.

"Mom, why is there an officer outside our house?"

"Jimmy, its for our protection because of Seth." She didn't have to say any more Jimmy understood completely. Jimmy went upstairs and laid on his bed, but he was scared to take a nap. Two reasons: the nightmares and Seth. So he didn't sleep all night and he just drank coffee.

Early the next morning Jimmy was so tired he couldn't even get out of bed ,but he had to get up so he dragged his body out of bed and went to take a shower. After his shower he went down stairs and stepped outside and saw a package addressed to him no return address so he took it inside wondering if he should open it or not.

Now for my readers its up to you does Jimmy open the package or does he turn in the package to the officer outside his house the choice is yours leave your answers below in the comments.

you guys have three days to put in those votes so hurry

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