Taron Egerton (Mad Teddy Smith)

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elizabethkathgrey Hope you like your early birthday present. ❤

Your currently sitting in a nice swanky club with a couple of your friends, who insisted on you coming out this evening, especially since you hadn't saw them in some time, due to different schedules you all held.

It was pretty packed to the brim with every table being occupied with at least 2-4 people & the noise level was soo high, you could barely hear what your friends were talking about.

There lots of stuff going on around you, including drinks being served, singing, stand up comedy with a few bad jokes being thrown in everyone's direction.

After another round of bad jokes, another guy then went up on the stage, blowing on a trumpet in the process, making everyone turn their attention to him.

After a moment or two, the guy drops the trumpet accidentally & starts spitting out even more horrendous jokes than the previous guy did.

That wasn't untill some other guy, who looked about your age, who was a couple of tables away, started laughing quite hysterically, which caused you to frown.

It wasn't untill he laughed again for a second time round, that you accidently giggled to yourself, not realising that your friends were now looking at you & smirking.

You shook your head saying it was nothing, just that the the guy on the stage, who was blurting out those horrendous jokes should go home & come back with better ones.

To all your friends dismay, they all just looked at each other & laughed shaking their heads, knowing exactly the reason why you were giggling amongst yourself.

But before the guy on stage had even finished his bad jokes, you couldn't help but glance around again at the young guy, who also happened to be glancing back, giving you a wink.

You quickly turned back to your friends & couldn't help but smile to yourself, hoping your friends wouldn't notice, so you picked up your glass & took a swig of your drink before anyone could say anything.

It isn't long before before your friends decide it's time to go & so they say their goodbyes, giving you a hug in return, saying they will text you when they are home.

You wasn't planning on staying behind at the club on your own, but you wasn't feeling tired yet & so you decided on staying a little bit longer, before heading off home yourself.

You also noticed that the guy you was staring at earlier had disappeared as well, becoz he was no longer in his seat where he had been sitting.

You did think that he looked quite cute though & he didn't look bad for sore eyes either, in which you ended up blushing to yourself, just thinking about it.

You was startled out of your thoughts, especially when someone stood by you, holding a glass in their hands, in which you looked up slowly, realising it was the guy you had been staring at.

Teddy: What's a beautiful girl like you, sitting at a table all by herself? (he smiled at you)

You: Ermm... My friends just left actually, so I wasn't really on my own. (you swallowed)

Teddy: But your all alone now, aren't you? (he sent a wink your way)

You: I guess it looks that way, doesn't it... (you trailed off, biting your lip)

Teddy: Do you mind if I sit down? (he smirked)

You: Actually I.... I was just about to leave. (you stuttered anxiously)

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