The Battle Of Takodana

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Inside Sara's private quarters

It was late in the night, Sara and Hope were meditating before going to sleep. They had their legs crossed, arms resting on their thighs, eyes closed, and were both floating about ten centimeters above the floor.

"I can sense grandma... she's still in the command room." said Hope.


"She is sad, mommy. She misses someone..."

"Yes, baby. She misses her husband and your dad. Specially your dad, she misses him a lot."

"I miss him too." Hope spoke so softly that Sara almost didn't hear.

"So do I, dear." Sara replied, feeling a big amount of sadness coming from her daughter; she had felt it before, but it seemed to be growing since Leia had started telling her stories about Ben.

They slowly sat back down and opened their eyes.

"Sometimes," Hope continued, softly. "I feel... a power, similar to grandma's but different, stronger. Is it dad? Can I sense him?"

Sara looked at her daughter, trying not to show concern.

"Have you been trying to look for him, Hope?" the little girl didn't reply, looking ashamed. "There's nothing wrong if you have, dear. I think it's natural that you want to get in touch with him. It's just that..." she sighed, thinking of her next words: "Your father is around bad people right now, and I don't want them finding out about you. They might want to use you because of who you are."

"That's because of grandma's dad, isn't it?"

"What do you know about him?" Sara wasn't liking the way that conversation was going.

"3PO said he was evil."

"Yes, he was."

Sara noticed that Hope wanted to ask one more thing, so she waited, but the kid changed her mind. Hope silently stood up and walked to the box where her bedtime tiara was, she put the jewelry on her head before lying on the bed.

Sara followed her daughter and sat beside her on the bed, running her fingers through her daughter's black hair, just as the little girl liked.

"Mom," Hope whispered after a while. "Is my dad evil?"

Sara closed her eyes, feeling a lump in her throat; so that's was what Hope had wanted to ask a few minutes before. She sighed, not really knowing what to say to her daughter.

"He has made some mistakes but... no, I don't think he is evil, baby." she finally replied.

Hope seemed to be satisfied with that answer, she turned on her side and fell asleep.

Sara, on the other hand, stayed awake for another hour, worried about her daughter using the Force to look for Ben.


Early next morning, as they were having breakfast, Sara and Hope felt a sudden awakening in the Force.

"What was that, mommy?" Hope asked her, surprised.

"That, dear, was someone getting in touch with the Force for the first time."

"But they were scared."

"Yes. Whoever that is, they didn't know they were Force-sensitive and might have found out in an unpleasant way; that's probably why they were scared." Sara picked up her sandwich and continued eating, "Whatever that is, it's nothing for you to worry about. Let's finish breakfast and I'll go find your grandma to discuss it with her."

Hope (Kylo Ren/Ben Solo x Original Character)Where stories live. Discover now