Marriage and Sorrow

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After Sara had asked Ben to not return, two weeks went by with no signs of him.

"I'm glad you sent him away, Sara." said Maz one night, while Sara mixed a Tattooine Sunset at the counter.

"Yeah. Me too." Sara replied unenthusiastically.

"Don't lie to me, dear." Maz walked to her and held her left hand between her two, making Sara stop preparing the drink. "I can see you're suffering. And I can sense your inner Light burning brighter, trying to call him to you."

"I love him, Maz. I always have." Sara was on the verge of tears.

"Did you tell him to not come back?"

"Yes. To never return. But he said he would come back anyway. And that's what is killing me: imagining that he's on his way, maybe today, tomorrow, someday."

"You gave yourself to him that night."

"Yes. And it was... as wonderful as I had ever imagined." she sighed. "You said to get him out of my system. I tried. And I failed brilliantly. Now I crave him more than ever."

"Your inner Light will bring him back, there's too much darkness in him, he needs and wants your light. And if you're miserable without him, imagine how he must be." Maz sighed, seriously considering her next words: "Dear girl, taking into account how doomed this whole situation seems to be, I feel compelled to say: stay with him – marry him even – and live life as you can for now; all this suffering will return, but later rather than daily."

"But it'll come any way." said Sara. "So what's the point?"

"Yes. But later. Allowing you to be happy instead of miserable in the present."

"I don't know, Maz. Why be happy now, knowing that I'll be suffering in a few years?" Sara went back to mixing the drink.

"Just think about it."

And Sara did. Maz's words stayed in her mind the entire night; there was a possibility for happiness, a small one, but a possibility nonetheless. Maybe with time Ben could realize that there's nothing for him in the Dark Side and then he'd stay forever with her. Sara hoped that wasn't just wishful thinking and that it could become her reality.

Later, when Sara was already in her bed, ready to sleep, she decided that Maz was right: until the First Order destroyed the New Republic, or vice-versa, she could be happy beside the man she loved, live with him, be his and have him as hers for as long as possible.

Taking a deep breath Sara allowed sleep to take her, with a smile on her face and hope in her heart.


Three days after her talk with Maz, Sara felt Ben's presence in the planet. But he didn't walk into the Castle with the Knights.

"Maz!" she ran from the counter to the kitchen. "Can I go home now? Please."

Maz smiled knowingly, "Yes, dear. Go home and be happy."

And Sara ran.


Sara opened the door of the house, smiling when she saw the long black cape on the couch – he was really there. She heard the shower running and quickly removed all of her clothes and shoes and walked into the bathroom. His silhouette could be seen through the etched glass of the shower stall: his wet shoulder-length hair, broad shoulders, strong thighs. Sara didn't lose any minute, she walked into the stall and under the water spray, letting herself be ravished by the tall, powerful man in there. Ben pulled her naked body towards his and took her mouth, passionately, touching her every crease and curve, with the excuse of helping her get clean.

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