The only part

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(This leaves off from the episode Parents' Day where Cameron Campbell gets taken away by Ered's gay dads who are FBI agents)

The agents had taken Cameron Campbell into custody and were questioning him.

"We found a lot of money in your attic," one of them declared. "Did you marry rich or gambled?"

"Marrry rich of course," Cameron lied, trying to hid his nervousness.

"We went through your records and you have no such spouse," the other agent replied. "Each lie is going to give you at least 5 years. You don't want that to happen, do you? So just tell us what we need and we'll move on. So, why wasn't one of your campers at the amphitheater?"

"Damn it," Cameron whispered to himself. "This is just like many years ago."

"What was that?" the agent suddenly asked.

"Fuck!" Cameron yelled out loud. His voice reflected off of the room.

"He ain't gonna tell you shit," someone with a deep voice spoke. "But I can." The mysterious person opened the door. It was Dallas.

"Who the hell are you?" Cameron asked.

"Me?" Dallas asked. "I'm just a journalist. But to you, I was one of the campers."

"Really?!" Cameron said in a shocked tone.

"Yeah really," Dallas sighed. "And you're the reason why Jasper died."

"Who's Jasper?" One of the agents asked while glaring at Cameron. But he wouldn't speak.

"He was another camper at Camp Campbell," Dallas replied. "And my amigo." Dallas slowly walked around Cameron. 

"It was David's fault he died!" Cameron Campbell blurted before realizing what he'd done. "Fuck."

"It's not David's fault," Dallas angrily replied. "Hell, he even tried saving him while you stood there like a complete idiota! You led them in the woods. And don't tell me that you didn't try and take out David. And worst of all, you covered the whole thing up!"

"How then do you know this?" Cameron asked in a shocked tone.

"I was with them," Dallas angrily replied. "I couldn't do anything about it then, but I could do something now." Dallas was walking out of the room until he turned back to everybody. "Wait until the parents in court hear that someone died in the camp and that you covered it up." Dallas left the room and didn't say a word again. 

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