Part 2

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"All rise," a police officer spoke as everybody rose. "This court is in session The honorable Judge Kenny presiding." 

Everybody kept standing until Judge Kenny said, "You may be seated." The parents of all the campers (with the exception of Max's parents) were present in the court as well as the campers themselves. All of the staff was there as well. 

The judge sat down in his seat and said, "Court is now in session. We're taking the case Virginia* vs Cameron Campbell."

*I chose Virginia because i don't know the location of Camp Camp*

"Is the prosecution ready?" The judge asked.

"Yes your honor," a prosecuting attorney replied. 

"Is the defense ready?" The judge asked.

"Yes your honor," a defense attorney replied. After that, the prosecuting attorney called Dallas to the stage and asked him to go up. Dallas silently got up and was sworn in. After swearing to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, Dallas sat down.

"Introduce yourself," the prosecuting attorney said.

"My name is Dallas Alexander," Dallas introduced. "I am a journalist. And a former camper in Camp Campbell."

"On the day that Jasper died," the attorney continued, "What had happened?" Dallas told everything and didn't leave out a single detail, but his eyes were tearing up. He also added in the fact that David was almost killed by Cameron. "Thank you." The prosecuting attorney called David into the stand. 

Meanwhile, all of the campers were appalled from hearing this.

"I know that the camp was rundown," Neil whispered. "But someone who died in the camp? That's really fucked up. And he didn't even tell us."

"What did you expect?" Max whispered back. "He's just a selfish, rich piece of shit."

After David being put under oath, he sat down, but looked nervous. He was sweating and looked pretty uncomfortable. It was actually one of the rare times that David was serious. 

"Oh man," David whispered to himself.

"You aren't in any trouble David," the prosecuting attorney assured. "Just tell us what happened that day and we'll leave you alone."

"I— I can't," David sighed while tearing up. "I can't bring this up again. I tried reaching his hand, but I was too late. He didn't deserve to die. He didn't deserve to die!"

"Oh my God," Gwen whispered to himself. "Poor David." Everyone of the campers were very uncomfortable hearing this.

"I should've killed him when I had the chance," Cameron muttered to himself. 

"What did you say Mr. Campbell?" Judge Kenny asked.

"Nothing Your Honor," Cameron lied as he tensely smiled. (Cameron is a terrible liar).

"Remember," Judge Kenny replied, "you are under oath." Cameron still didn't answer. Sweat was rolling down his forehead every passing moment the Judge didn't say anything. "Could anyone find out what Mr. Campbell said?"

"He said that 'I should of killed him when I had the chance'," A nearby police officer responded.

"Thank you," Judge Kenny replied. "Now, Who were you plotting to kill, Mr Campbell?" And still, Cameron didn't answer. The Judge reminded Cameron that he was under oath, but Cameron still didn't answer.

"It was David," Dallas immediately replied and stood up. "I saw him took out his knife and readied it to kill David."

"Is this true?" David asked, feeling a sense of betrayal and shock. "Did you try and kill me?" Ar last, Cameron gave a response by nodding his head. "I looked up to you. I worshipped you. I idolized you! And now because of you, Jasper is dead!!" David got up in fury and paced back to his seat. "How could this be possible?!" He plopped himself on his seat and looked down. Gwen simply hugged David to try and comfort him.

"Any thing from the defense attorney?" Judge Kenny replied. The defense attorney shook his head. "Alright then. We'll take a days' recess and everybody will come in tomorrow when we finally get this resolved. This court is adjourned for now." The judge banged so gavel and everybody walked out.

As everybody walked out, Dallas grabbed David's arm.

"Hi David," Dallas replied. "About earlier-"

"I wanted to thank you for telling everybody about that information," David interrupted as he sniffled a little bit.

"I know how you feel," Dallas replied. "Jasper was also my friend as well. He didn't deserve any of this."

"After the next court session,come with us to the Spooky Island," Neil replied. "Max, Nikki and I have seen something that I'd think you'd like." 

"If it's that important," Dallas replied, "I'll do it." David agreed with Dallas.

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