Part 3

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The next day, everybody went into the court to hear what Cameron's date would be. It was high noon. Cameron Campbell entered the court in an orange jumpsuit. He had on handcuffs and 2 officers were with him.

"Now then," Judge Kenny sighed, "after yesterday, rigorous consideration and thinking, here is the sentence for Cameron Campbell. Rise Mr. Campbell." He rose. "Mr. Campbell, you are hereby sentenced to 3 life sentences with absolutely no chance of parole in a maximum security prison on charges of, but not limited to, manslaughter, attempted murder, covering up evidence, endangerment of other people's lives, evading arrest, lying under oath and money laundering. This court is now adjourned."

"No!" Cameron shouted. "NOOOOO! I can make you very very rich!!! I can give you anything you want!! Please!!!"

"Get him out of my sight," Judge Kenny commanded. As the officers took Cameron away, David was glaring and smiling evilly at Cameron Campbell as he was taken away.

"Finally he gets what he deserves!" Max spoke happily as everybody exited the courtroom. 

"Even though it's good," David sighed, "the camp will have to be closed down and Gwen  and I have to look for employment somewhere else."

"I think we'll be ok David," Gwen smiled.

"Hey guys," Neil reminded, "We needed to show you something on the Spooky Island."

"Right," Dallas replied. "Well, vámonos entonces." 

After heading back to Camp, Nikki, Neil, Max, Dallas, David and Gwen rowed over to the Spooky Island.

"He has to be here somewhere," Nikki wondered as she looked around. 

"Who are we looking for?" Dallas asked. 

"Look," David pointed in the distance. "Someone's there." The person in the distance waved to Dallas and David. The person walked to them until he spoke.

"It's a me!" The person exclaimed, "Jasper!"

"Excuse me whaaaat?" Dallas asked in a dumbfounded tone. "But, aren't you dead? If only I can see him, I'm going crazy."

"We all can see him," Neil replied. "He's real alright." After a few moments of hesitation, Dallas and David ran over to Jasper, but they passed through him and they both fell down.

"Wait a minute?" Dallas asked. "Is Jasper a ghost?"

"Indeed I am amigo," Jasper replied. 

"Well," Dallas sighed in relief, "I'm just glad you are ok."

"Jasper," David added, "I'm very sorry that I wasn't able to reach you. I tried my hardest but-"

"That's ok Davey," Jasper forgave. "Besides, it wasn't your fault. I didn't watch where I was going."

"We're just glad you're ok," David smiled. "But we won't be able to visit you anymore because they're gonna declare the land off limits."

"I think I can manage," Jasper replied. 

The next day, the Campground of what used to be Camp Campbell was off limits. All of the campers were still together, but they were moved into another camp where they all actually had fun. David and Gwen became counselors there and the camp had enough money so that they'd be alright.

Dallas was still uncovering more and more mysteries. He sporadically visited Jasper on the Spooky Island, but he just mostly kept to himself.

As for Cameron Campbell? Hell, I'm not going into specifics. I'll just say that Cameron was in prison and was caught trying to escape and some prisoners did some... stuff... to him if you catch my drift.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2018 ⏰

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