Chapter 13 - Escape

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"BOOOOM!" Was The Sound That Woke Star. Star Was Startled Knowing That There Shouldn't Be Any Fighting Unless Someone Was Trying To Get In. "Wait, The Only Way That Loud Noise Is To Be An Intruder. Maybe Just Maybe I Can Have Them Help Me Escape," Star Mumbled, "Hey! Who Goes There!" Star Shouted Slamming The Door With Her Body Hoping They Are On Her Side.

"Ocean!" Petal Rose Exclaimed When The Both Heard Star But Had More Guards Come There Way.

"Petal Poppy Get The Others!" Ocean Flier ______ As Grape Dancer And Forest Rain Came Screaming Down The Hall.

"Let's Move This Fight!" Forest Rain Yelled As Three Mowed Down The Guards To The Other End Of The Hall.

Ocean Flier Was The Only Unicorn In The Group So He Was The One Needing To Open The Door. Sort Of Hard To Do That Fighting Off Guards. Surprisingly Celestia And Luna Have Not Gotten Word Of The Fight Happening In The Castle. From This Whole Battle Going On One Of The Guards Was Slammed Into The Door Breaking The Handle.

"Yes!" Ocean Flier Happily Stated Galloping To The Door Opening It, "Forest Rain Buy Us Some Time. Come On, Let's Run!" Star Immediately Bolted Having All But Forest Rain Follow Quickly.

Since Star Could Use Her Magic Now Being Out Of The Room, She Could Get Rid Of The Other Guards Who Got In The Way. It Seemed Like Star Knew The Place Taking All The Right Turns Not Hesitating To The Emergency Exit. "Come On Grape Dancer Catch Up!" Petal Rose Yelled As He Was Falling Behind.

"Not My Fault I Am Meant For Dancing!" Was The Responds

Once Out The Exit Star Teleported Back To Forest Rain. Celestia And Luna Were Running Down The Hall But Before They Both Could Get There Star Grabbed Forest Rain Than Teleported To The Others.
"Let's Ride!" Ocean Flier Alerted Heading Towards The Forest.

"What Are You All Waiting For!" Petal Poppy Laughed.

-Time Skip (Would Be To Boring If I Didn't)

As The Group Entered Through Some Vines Into A Clear Circle Of No Trees Yet Covered With A Ceiling That Was See Through. Amber Dasher Was Already Siting On A Couch There Was. "AMBER!" Forest Rain Zoomed In Knocking Amber Dasher Off.

"Oww, Forest Rain, Oh It Seems Like You Guys Were Successful, Princess Twilight Just Denied Everything I Said." Amber Dasher Replied Getting Up Again.

"Yes We Were, Celestia And Luna At First Denied Than We Just Said Our Facts And Left." Petal Rose Added.

As The Group Scattered Star Night Was Walking Around As Forest Rain Flew Up To Her. "Soooo, What Is Your Name? And What Would You Want Us To Call You, Like How Me, Grape Dancer, And Ocean Flier Like Being Called Are Full Name,  With Petal Rose Being Called Rose And Amber Dasher Being Called Amber." Forest Rain Questioned.

'Name Is Star Night, But Only Call Me Star And None Of That Princess Nonsense.' Star Wrote To See A Surprised Look On Forest Rain's Face

"Ocean Flier! Ocean Flier! Star Knows The Spell!" Forest Rain Exclaimed Jumping All The Way To Ocean Flier

"What Spell?" Ocean Flier Asked

"The Writing Spell, The One That An Unicorn Mare Told You When You Were A Filly!" Forest Rain Answered.

'Huh, What Spell? What Mare?' Star Written With A Confused Face

"The Spell You Are Using To Write In The Air," Ocean Flier Explained, "When I Was A Filly This Mare Tried To Teach Me The Spell, But Only Being A Filly I Failed, She Also Taught Me Multiple Other Spells Like The One That Got My Cutie Mark. Which Is Also How I Met These Ponies."

"Yep, One Year Multiple Dams Were Breaking, And We Were Under Most Of Them And Every time We Were Under One Ocean Flier Used His Spell So Than None Of The Water Drowned Us, The Amount Of Water Was Huge, Not Many Grown Colts Could Carry That Much." Grape Dancer Telling The Story.

"Yes I Never Understood How You Could Do It." Amber Added

'Not Many Ponies Are Able To Do It Is The Answer. That Is Why He Got His Cutie Mark For It, If It Was Common He Would Have Something Different.' Star Answered

"Why Use That Spell You Have Instead Of Talking?" Rose Asked

'Its Just Easier Than Speaking, Easier To Have Your  Point Come Across.' Star Written

"Well I Am Heading For Town Anyone Want To Come Along?" Grape Dancer Wondered

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