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a/n: hey friends, i'm gonna let you all know that i don't love this chapter... it's kind of a filler??? but! some characters were introduced and idk it's cute i guess anyway i hope you all enjoy , thanks for reading!

"so are you interested in this roommate of your brother's?" my best friend, nayoung, asked during our facetime call. considering junhui was home, it was a very good thing i had my earbuds plugged in.

i giggled a bit at the question before shaking my head lightly. "nah, it wouldn't even be allowed... like legally."

the girl sighed in a defeated manor. "i guess you're not wrong..." she then smiled widely. "but hey, it wouldn't be illegal if it was me."

both of us started laughing after she threw in a wink.

"ah, you're so ridic-"

my sentence was cut off by a sudden knock on the door. i stood up from my makeshift bed, taking a couple of steps toward the door.

"woo? you there?" nayoung questioned after a few seconds. and not long after there was another knock on the door.

"junhui~!" a male voice called. "how long will you make us wait?"

my eyes widened at the unfamiliar voice as i panicked for a couple seconds, not knowing if should open the door or not.

right when i was about to go open the door, junhui's bedroom door opened as he speed-walked to the front door.

i backed up as he opened the door and welcomed whoever was on the other side in.

"we were out there for like a whole year." one of the three guests complained with a small pout, crossing his arms across his chest.

junhui rolled his eyes, something i've begun to notice he does a lot. "soonyoung, it was like... two minutes."

the four boys walked farther into the apartment, none of the strangers noticing me yet. i had already made it back to my bed, nayoung asking what was going on through the facetime call.

however, seconds later, as soon as the boys turned to head toward the living room, they all stopped in their tracks when they saw me.

"who's this?" one of them asked.

"this is nawoo, wonwoo's sister. she just moved here." junhui turned his attention to me after answering the boy. "i'm so sorry. i meant to tell you they were coming over but i kinda forgot you were here."

i shook my head quickly, saying that it wasn't a big deal. after all, i had just moved in.

"she's pretty cute." the same one who asked who i was winked at me while flashing a smile.

i felt my cheeks heat up as i tried not to giggle. 

"she's 17, jeonghan."

suddenly jeonghan's smile faded as he apologized to me. i ended up giggling at that point.

"ah! such a cute laugh, wow." another one said, also showing off his smile.

"chan, you have a girlfriend." the last boy, soonyoung, shook his head at chan.

it took everything in me not to start full on laughing at the statement.

"okay!" junhui clapped his hands together. "nawoo, we'll be in my room. sorry again about this mess."

junhui then pushed the three boys in the direction of his room, and i heard his door close soon after.

"ohmygod, young, did you hear all that?" i instantly starting laughing.

nayoung laughed with me. "woo, i wish i could live there too! i want a cute roommate with cute- were the friends cute?"

i shook my head as the two of us continued to laugh. "well, yeah they're pretty cute. maybe you'll just have to come visit soon."

"oh, bitch, you know i will!"

the two of us erupted in laughter again, but then i started to feel pretty sad thinking that i was no longer living close to my best friend.

"uh, woo, i have to go, my mom just got home and i didn't exactly do my chores..."

"tsk, tsk, when will you learn?" i smiled. "bye, young, love ya."

"hehe i love you more, mwah!"


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