Chapter 15: Redhead

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AN: Woah! Surprise! Hey everyone! I know it hasn't been a week yet but I had some time on my hands so I thought I'd write. Now, since I posted an extra update I can't promise a new update at the usual time. But hopefully this makes up for my lack of consistency the past few weeks! Enjoy the chapter!

- B

POV Natasha

Sharon and I pull up at the hotel and even just the outside of it looks grand. I've lived here my whole life and I don't know how I missed this. This place being fancy and all Sharon's car gets valeted. When we walk up to the front of the hotel Sharon grabs my hand and leads me inside. Just a month ago this gesture wouldn't have bothered me but somehow now it does. I know it's a harmless gesture but just the thought of being around Sharon while Elise is waiting for me at home by herself is making me uncomfortable. I'm starting to feel guilty about this whole thing and it must be showing on my face.

"Hey, Natasha are you okay?" Sharon stands to face me.

"No, yeah I'm fine. Just had a long day. We should probably join the rest of them." I gently slide my hand out of Sharon's to point to the dining area.

"Yeah, of course." Sharon seems to get the hint and starts to walk in front of me.

Other than the fact that I'm a terrible girlfriend bothering me I'm having a pretty good time. I got to meet all the cast and crew who were all great but now it's getting late and I'm starting to miss home. I know it's only 10:30 but I feel this urge to get home.

"Hey," I walk over to Sharon.

"Hey, what's up?"

"I think I'm going to head home."

"Leaving so early? Do you need me to give you a ride back?" There's a look of concern on her face.

"No no, it's okay. I'll just call an Uber."

"Okay, well I'm so glad you came out tonight! I'll reach out later this week."

"Thanks, I had a good time." That's a half lie.

Sharon leans in to give me a hug which I'm hesitant to accept but I eventually give. I say goodbye and head to the hotel lobby. I call for an Uber and wait.

POV Elise

After Natasha leaves for the party

I'm just being paranoid right? It's just a coincidence that Natasha hooked up with a redhead and then auditioned for a movie that she somehow knows the director who also just happens to be a redhead. I don't want to be the over jealous girlfriend but if Sharon is the same person why hasn't she told me? I guess she isn't obligated to tell given we weren't dating then. But why is she acting like she's hiding something? Ugh. I try to distract myself by watching tv but when that doesn't work I call up Jacob.

"Hey, Elise." Jacob picks up almost immediately.

"Hey, are you busy?" I must be feeling desperate if I'm calling Jacob.

"Kinda, but what's up?"

"Oh, nevermind then." What was I thinking calling him up?

"Hey, are you okay?" I can hear the concern in Jacob's voice.

"Honestly not really. But don't ditch whatever you're doing. I'm fine." I try to cover up my voice.

"Nah it's okay I was about to leave anyway. I'll be home in 10."

"You're the best. See you then." I hang up and toss my phone on the other couch.

I just lay there waiting trying not to think. Not very successful at either.

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