19. Holiday

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A/N : Hold your knifes people. I know it's been 2 ... 3 months since I haven't updated any chapter:')

College sucks, really. My 2nd semester is been a hard timeT^T

But anyways, in my *cough* very busy time *cough* I don't know why but it always have a way to bring me back to this story.

I promise you I will finish this story(even if it takes months.. Idk)

I'm very thankful for the one who still support me even though I took months to update just one chapter:')

Okay, enough blubbering.

Anyways, here is the chapter after 3 months waiting:'-) enjoy❤️ *Avengers' sound effect on the background*

Months after the incident, Mr. Park is finally being captured by the police and get arrested after he did to his very own son.

All of the Byuns are very relieve because of that. And so is Chanyeol until he couldn't ask for more.

"Have you heard dear? That bastard Park is finally being captured!"

Baekhyun and Chanyeol who's now listening through the speaker of Baekhyun's phone laugh.

"I know, eomma. I'm very glad that finally police found him."

"You have to call us if something bad happen to you, got it?"

Chanyeol smiles, "Yes, don't worry, eomma."

Finally they disconnect the line after saying 'I love you's to each other.

Baekhyun sighs with a smile on his face. "Eomma is being a little overprotective, isn't she?"

Chanyeol laughs, "But that what makes eomma... eomma."

Baekhyun nods.

"When are they going to go home, anyways?" Chanyeol asks Baekhyun.

"Probably 2 more weeks."

"I miss them."

"Me too."

"Wanna go somewhere?" Chanyeol suddenly change the topic.

"Huh? Where?" Baekhyun asks, a little bit fluttered.

"I don't know.. beach maybe? Since we have a long holiday."

"Good idea!" Baekhyun seems a little bit overexcited. He clears his throat, "I mean, that's a pretty good idea."

"We can invite your friends and mine. How's that?"

"You mean Kyungsoo and Luhan?"

"And also Jongin and Sehun. How's that?"

"And how are we gonna stay there?" Baekhyun fold his arms in front his chest.

"Don't you remember that appa have bought a summer house just around the beach?"

"Oh really?" Baekhyun seems surprised. "I forget that." He shows his cute teeth by smalling a bit. "Then it's an okay."

They finally decided to go to the Byun's summer house. Of course, with the permission of Baek and Chan's parents.

"Isn't it amazing?!" Luhan exclaims once he step his feet on the house. "I have never stepped my feet on a summer house before, and daaaamn, this summer house is huge man!"

"You're overreacted, Lu." Baekhyun says with a hint of a smile on his face.

"I really mean it, Baek."

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