Chapter V

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Natsuki is as adorable as ever. She's asleep, her body leaned up against Yuri's and her head resting on her shoulder. She can imagine why she's so tired. After all, schoolwork can be really exhausting. Yuri gives her quick kiss on the forehead and goes back to reading. She knows she shouldn't read while Natsuki is asleep, but the manga was legitimately interesting to her. She got a few pages ahead when Monika announced it was time to share poems.

She nudged Natsuki's head. "Come on, sleepy head, it's time to wake up. We have to share poems."

Natsuki grumbled. "Hmph... This is the second time today you've had to wake me up." She says.

"Well, maybe you should get more sleep." Yuri says.

Yuri gets her poem out of her bag, and Natsuki follows suit, albeit slower and in a tired manner. They decide to exchange theirs first. Yuri holds Natsuki's poem in her hands.

"This is the one you wrote this morning, right?" She asks.

"Well, yes... Don't rub it it!" Natsuki says.

"No, no, I wasn't going to rub it in... I actually think it's pretty impressive."


"Of course. It's actually pretty good for what it is. I like it a lot..."

"Well, I'm sure it can't compare to yours."

"Don't say that, you're very good at writing... I know you think we're on two separate levels of writing, but I think sometimes your poems can be really good. Don't be so hard on yourself."

"That means a lot to me, Yuri... I'm glad you think that."

"Well, I would like to think-"

Monika clears her throat from behind Yuri.

"I'm sorry to break up the talk, but we're all supposed to be sharing poems, here." She says.

"Ah, of course. Here, would you like to see mine?" Yuri responds, handing Monika her poem. Monika, in turn, gives her poem to Yuri. Yuri reads it over. it's entitled "More than you know."

"I feel.

I feel love.

In all its glory, all its fame,

I feel love.

But I know I am not allowed.

I am not allowed to feel love,

In all its glory, all its fame.

What do I love?


I am forbidden to say her name.

But I love her.

More than you know."

"Well, Monika..." Yuri says. "This a fairly good poem, I must say. It's rather short, but I still think it's enjoyable to read."

"I'm very glad you like it... and what do you think of the messages behind it?" Monika asks. Yuri thinks on it for a moment. Clearly this has some deeper meaning. The specific usage of the word "her" sticks out... is this Monika coming out as a lesbian? Yuri decides to look closer at Monika's behavior and expression, and she notices something off. Usually, she's the most confident in the group, always cheerful and having something positive to say. But now, her confidence seems undermined, and she appears downcast.

"Well... Hey, Monika, is something wrong?" Yuri asks.

"Hm? What do you mean?" Monika asks.

"Well, you seem upset at something. I'm just concerned about you, that's all."

Monika turns away, hiding her face. "I... I'm fine, I'm okay..." She says. Yuri, of course, does not believe her.

"Monika, if you have a problem, you can always tell me. I won't judge, no matter what it is... You can tell me anything." Yuri says, trying to be reassuring.

"No, Yuri... I can't tell you this..." Monika says.

"But why not?"

"I just can't... it would just make things harder for both of us, or anyone who knew..."

Yuri is confused. She doesn't know that it is that Monika's so upset about, but she's concerned about nonetheless.

"Well, if you ever want to talk about it, you can come to me." Yuri says. She hesitates before walking away. She doesn't want to leave Monika, but she decides she shouldn't push any further. Monika will tell her when she's ready.

Yuri goes over to Sayori, who is sitting next to Morp. The two are enjoying conversation and don't notice Yuri arrive. She stands there for a good minute, waiting for them to notice her. After a while, she decides to give up and go back to her seat. Natsuki sits next to her and pulls out her manga.

"Wanna read some?" She asks.

"I don't know, I don't think we have enough time." Yuri responds.

"Well, whatever you say." Natsuki says, putting the manga back in her bag. Just as Yuri predicted, the bell rings, dismissing everyone for the day. Yuri walks out of the school with Natsuki, making sure to avoid Hideki. Luckily, they never run into him, and they can walk in peace. Yuri is thankful that Natsuki has never had to deal with him.

Soon, the girls must part ways. Before they head off to their respective houses, they kiss each other goodbye. And with that, the school day has ended.

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