Chapter VII

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Yuri goes to the club room, excited for the day. Having endured her daily abuse from Hideki, she's excited to actually do something productive and positive. She and Natsuki have planned to comfort and support Monika, and help her deal with "coming out."

As soon as she enters, she notices Monika in the back of the class, looking down and hardly paying attention to anything going on.

"Yuri!" Natsuki says. Yuri goes over to her.

"How's it going?" Yuri asks. Natsuki gives Yuri a quick peck on the cheek.

"It's going well... so, are you ready?" Natsuki says.

Yuri nods. With that, they go to the back of the class where Monika is. Yuri sits at a desk to the right of her, Natsuki at one to the left.

"Monika... is everything alright?" Yuri asks, leaning over closer to her. Monika puts her head down on her desk.

"I..." Monika says nothing more. Yuri puts her hand on Monika's back, trying to reassure her.

"Monika... everything's going to be okay... you can tell me anything..."

Monika looks up from her desk to face Yuri. "Y-Yuri... I... I already told you, I can't tell you this..."

"Don't worry Monika, whatever it is, I won't judge you... I won't hold anything against you, okay? You can talk to me..."

Monika looks at Yuri for a moment before getting up from the desk and walking towards the door. At this point, Natsuki gets up and follows after her.

"Wait, Monika!" She yells after her. Yuri catches up with Natsuki and pulls her back.

"Natsuki, we shouldn't go after her, she's clearly going through a lot..."

"But Yuri, we need-"

"I assure you, she needs space..."

By this point, Sayori and Morp have noticed the going-ons at the other side of the classroom and appear concerned. Monika has stopped in her tracks, tense, and clenching her fists not out of rage, but pure stress.

"Natsuki, I know this is a lot, but we all need to calm down..." Yuri says.

"I... I don't... I'm not..." Natsuki can't find words. She wants to help Monika, but she's being so blunt and straightforward it's making Monika uncomfortable.

"Natsuki's right!!" Monika suddenly yells, spinning around. "I need to say this..."

"I didn't say that at all..." Natsuki says.

"I don't care... I need to say this. I need to!" Monika yells, her eyes wet.

"M-Monika, you don't have to-"

"Yes, yes I do!" She interrupts. She looks Yuri straight in the eyes.

"Y-Yuri..." She swallows. "I-I love you..."

Yuri freezes. Natsuki is shocked. Morp and Sayori turn away, not wanting to make the situation worse by getting involved.

Monika falls to her knees. "There... I said it... I love you, Yuri... but I know I can never be with you..."

"So... that's what the poem was about..." Yuri says.

Monika nods, tears now rolling down her cheeks. "I... I'm sorry, I have to go..." she gets up and runs out of the classroom, with Yuri chasing after.

"Monika! Wait, Monika!" She yells.

"No! No! Please, don't follow me! I don't deserve this kind of worry!" Monika says. Her time as captain of the track team pays off, as Yuri can no longer chase after her. Yuri has to sit on the floor and take a few breaths as Monika runs off, away from the school.

Yuri begins to start crying as Natsuki arrives after her.

"Y-Yuri! What happened? Are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine..." She says. Natuki gets down and gives Yuri a hug. They sit there in silence for a couple of minutes until Yuri hears an unfriendly, yet familiar voice.

"Hey, fag."

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