Chapter 8

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Okay as always I own none of this barring any OC's. I hope you enjoy the feels :P

Klaus fleetingly glanced at her before looking away not able to meet her eyes.

"What did I actually do wrong love?" he questioned trying to get a feel for the exact actions he needed to apologise for, this proved to be a mistake as her eyes narrowed pinning him with her gaze. She could not believe he was stupid enough to not know, which means this was a trap.

Runa rolled her eyes after realising this "Niklaus really? Trying to trick me?" the condescension made him wince "I know while separated for more than 3 months we are able to sleep with others, that is the agreement" she trailed off taking an unnecessary deep breath before continuing "if I remember correctly which I assure you I do, this also included no interest in another that was more than sexual." The hurt that shone in her eyes called to him to comfort her. He cursed himself for thinking that anyone else would ever measure up to his beloved.

He quickly moved to kneel before her taking her hands between his "Runa, she is nothing I promise you that. Yes I tried harder with her but you are all that matters" he could see her doubt this almost tangibly pained him.

"What am I supposed to think Nik? You haven't slept with her, you gave her gifts, offered to show her the world..." she ripped her hands out of his moving away from him before finishing "let's not forget that you gave her my bracelet!" he rose slowly trying to formulate a response that would sound reasonable.

There was silence for a while as they both tried to calm down. Klaus could not keep quiet on this "that was a mistake I don't even know what I was thinking, you were gone so long" the pained tone shot straight to her heart "you've never been gone longer than a decade, I just wanted that back so I tried to force her into your role" he finished eyes glazed with tears.

Runa took a step towards him before freezing as his words sunk in "you were going to replace me with her?!" she demanded taking a large stride so she stood before him "I'm gone for longer and you think that gives you the right to write me off like the last millennium didn't happen?" she quickly swiped at the tears that fell unfortunately not before he saw.

He made to hold her before she stepped back out of his reach "NO. That was not what I thought. I love you Runa, I was just so alone, for all I knew you were never coming back" his voice rose as he pled with her. Runa's heart constricted of everyone she had always known how he felt about being alone, she could not however find it in her to let this go.

"What about me Niklaus?" she questioned not bothering to hide the tears any longer, she sat on the bed and gestured him to join her which he did promptly. "Did you think through all this that I wasn't in pain too? That I wouldn't give everything to be with you again. I can't believe you would do this to me" she whispered. Klaus hunched over slightly her words like a blow to his stomach.

"Runa love..." he trailed off unsure how to make up for this, it may be the biggest mistake he'd ever made. Regardless of the fact that she hadn't been there she was it for him there was nothing else to know.

She looked away from him "and what if I had done the same?" she saw his head rise in her peripheral vision, "what if I had found a man who I offered to show the world, made him believe he was important" she saw his snarl "how about this, what if I had given him one of your necklaces and drawings to show my interest in another." Klaus couldn't help the growl as his insides twisted, he felt like he would be sick.

The thought of it was repulsive. His imagination created the scenario for him as he went through his interactions with Caroline replacing her with a man and him with Runa. He violently flinched from his actions tears falling as he realised what he had done.

 He violently flinched from his actions tears falling as he realised what he had done

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"Runa please, I promise you she is nothing compared to you. Yes I made a mistake but I swear I will never do this again. I'm yours for eternity we're soulmates." He made his case trying desperately not to think of her not forgiving him.

She stared at him analysing everything about him, he refused to look away from her wanting his love to see the truth in him. Runa saw he was being truthful, this did not detract from the pain she felt in her very soul. "I don't know what to do Niklaus" she spoke quietly "I know you're being truthful but part of me is screaming to not forgive you. Of all the things you've done to hurt me I didn't think I would ever have to be worried about someone coming between us".

Klaus unable to take being even inches apart pulled her onto his lap so they were face to face. He wrapped one arm around her waist holding her to him before moving the other to cup her cheek forcing her to look at him. They relished in the contact after so long, "I will never be able to apologise enough for what I have done. But I want you to believe what I'm about to say because it's as true as the sun rising." He took a deep breath as she waited patiently for him.

"There is not a person on Earth, in heaven or hell that could ever mean to me what you do. Being apart from you only made me realise all I had done wrong. Love I am so sorry, you are my eternity without you I don't want it. What is having all this power worth if I don't have you to rule beside me?" she could not look away if she tried, he captivated her body and soul.

Runa's thoughts raced mind against heart. Klaus could see the struggle and internally begged whoever was listening for her to believe him. She lifted her hand running it gently through his hair before mirroring his hand and placing it on his cheek. He took this as a good sign and leaned into her touch.

"I will forgive you this if you swear two things to me" the words were like music to his ears and nothing had ever sounded so good. He was nodding emphatically ready to do whatever she wanted.

"You will never doubt that no matter how long we are separated that I will return to you" she demanded wanting these words to be branded into him so intrinsically he could never forget them. "The second is where we went wrong in the first place. I'm done with it Niklaus, the daggers were never made for you to lord it over them if they step out of line." Klaus froze his mind jumping to the inevitable conclusion of this. "You are not Mikael, you care too much to ever be him. Don't make it so they have to fear your wrath, sibling's fight it's a law of nature. I don't want the daggers, I want you to destroy them" she finished making sure he could not avoid her.

This is not what he was expecting the daggers were his insurance "Runa...I" he went to continue before she covered his mouth smiling at the glare he sent her. The glare melted at her smile. "No Niklaus there is no exception for this, I somewhat understood when Mikael was alive but he's gone. Considering that I left because Kol and Bekah were daggered I would not like to even have the opportunity to do so again" she rose trying to put distance between them so he could think.

"I agree to your terms, I want there to be nothing to threaten our relationship again. If you agree to one as well" she nodded for him to continue "you can never leave for more than two years" this was what he wanted more than anything for her to be with him forever and always.

Runa was stunned at his simple request, she took the few steps towards him. Placing her hands on his shoulders she lent down until they were at the same level. Moving so there was minimal space between them "I agree and Niklaus I will never leave you" she mumbled her lips bushing his before grasping the back of his neck and crushing their lips together he reciprocated immediately kissing her back starved of her for too long.

This went on for some time as they were reacquainted with each other. The reunited duo spent the evening sharing stories of what they had been doing for the last 80 years and stealing slow languid kisses.

Okay that's it for today, let me know what you think. Next we have Runa and Damon.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2018 ⏰

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