it's dark
it's fine
(you get used to it
after a while
after the stars have swept from the sky
and crumbled into the soil)
and my skin is
needlepoint fire
that sloughed off
into the snow
a million miles close
but i don't need skin
when i have eyes
to cry
and a mouth
to say
i understand
and hands to place
upon your cheeks
and solemnly swear
to speak the truth
the whole truth
and nothing but the truth
so help me silence
and here i am yours and you are here
and nobody
not the righteous fury
clawing at his broken puppet boy
(o virtuous brother of yours
how far he has fallen),
not the man
in the sky
with his kind eyes
and cheshire cat grin
can hurt us now
so pull me close
and kiss me bloody
because no matter what happens
i will always end up back here
with you
in our palace
built from broken dreams
and damned aspirations
that build pretty silver bars
to weave
into our skin
and know that i will return
in what to you will be a blip
and to me a small and clear infinity
and i wish i could give you
so much more (but i can't)
so walk me to the door
and don't take my hand
don't say goodbye
just wish me well
and know that my love
will follow you
wherever you wander
whatever you seek
and i'll be right back
so hold
my soul
for me.