05 : The Run

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I started talking to Texas after the 'depressing' talk with Higson.

"So... you... I heard that conversation with your brother earlier... and are you okay?... I mean is he okay?!"

" Yeah I'm fine, but I don't know about Vadar... "


I was sleepy after this 'battle' in Botorwa, so I slept in the car itself, Tyler and Enter were beside me sleeping as well.


"Get up! We need those guns right now!" " GET DOWN!"

Someone was screaming. Was this another dire situation in a dream? If it was I don't possibly want to get up from sleep. " Ow", someone punched me in the face... and that was not a dream.

Texas was pointing at the guns behind me in the trunk and was screaming something but I couldn't hear anything, I could only see her expressions moving... I was numb.

I grabbed the guns after a lot of effort to shake myself from this numbness, but I still couldn't hear anything. I just took a gun and started shooting through the left window, Sam and Higson were also shooting to the left so I deduced that the enemy was to the left and shot blindly.

It was really difficult to keep my eyes open, I didn't know what was happening to me. My brother was driving really fast and once Higson and Sam stopped shooting Texas asked me something, which I couldn't hear.

I shaked me head and drank some water... I fell asleep again.


We were in Crures by 1400, I was apparently unconscious in the car, maybe too much exertion for my body. I had asked them what had happened...
Three or four guys started shooting at us, luckily our tyres weren't shot, we got out of shooting range and were safe. I'd thought it was a deadly encounter.

Crures was in ruins, just like all the other towns. It was the second biggest town, after Orma. We drove through the empty streets and just then it struck me. The memory of a dream, one in which I didn't meet Sam, Texas or Higson, just me and my brother. There was no battle in Botorwa, but in Crures some guys were there.

I warned everyone, we stopped the car and started on foot, that dream was an earlier one, so I didn't remember the exact details of where they were.

Suddenly, I heard two gunshot, it was a sniper, Roughy was shot, straight in the head and Vadar was shot in his arms. They both fell down, blood running down the street...

I couldn't do anything, I just stood there, Sam grabbed my shoulder and jerked me into a house, he then dragged Roughy and Vadar. Higson ran towards us with something in his hand, It was a first-aid kit.

"Roughy isn't breathing... he was shot straight in the head, but Vadar is still breathing, we'll just have to take the bullet out of his arms and stop the bleeding, find a nice, clean cloth for that, leave the other work to me", Sam said. Higson and I took a gun each, we carefully looked outside this house, it was not a house actually, just a small shop.

I saw two guys on a three-storey building, they had snipers...

"They are up there... we'll have to get to that building if we want to kill them, you know our skills in aiming", I said.

We took the long way, basically flanked them from their left, we hid behind building and cars, finally we reached that building's back. The two guys opened the door through which we were going to enter. All four of us were surprised, but Higson didn't wait, he dig his gun inside a guy and kicked the other guy. I was surprised at his quick movements and his no hesitation to kill.

" I know, I don't know what's going on, I feel like killing... ", Higson said after he noticed me giving him a look.

" It's umm... ", I couldn't comfort him, I didn't even know what he was going through, well something like that was happening to me, I thought.


We went back to Texas and Sam.

"Vadar is alright, Tyler helped me dress his wound, but Roughy... ", Texas said.

" Damn it, damn it all, I will kill whoever made this world this... this...", Higson said, almost crying and screaming. I wanted to stop him but couldn't, he had to let his anger out somewhere...

We went to Higson's house, there were no dead bodies, but some blood was spilled. Higson told us he was living with Roughy that night and had thought the dreams were just nothing. He didn't even check on his parents because he then realized the dreams were actually real.

We ate lunch then thought should spend the night here because Vadar needed rest, but Sam insisted we move on.

" We need to get to India as soon as possible! We cannot waste a whole day just sleeping here! What if the army attacked again like in Botorwa?", Sam said.

" Calm down Sam, don't you see Vadar's condition. Who's gonna drive you to the airport, I'm pretty sure Uber doesn't give its services in military areas.", Higson said in a  pretty gloomy tone. He had been like this since Roughy...

" You are... no, I don't know, I am going to go think about this somewhere quite.", Sam said and walked out of the room. The room was Higson's parents', it was big and had family photos and childhood photos of Higson on the walls.

I did not sleep in the evening and waited for Sam.

I found out he was himself sleeping in another room. Everyone was sleeping, so I thought I was on guard duty. I took a chair and sat in the balcony. Higson's house's balcony reminded me of my home's balcony and that dreadful night. Sadness crept through me and I fell asleep.

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